Come To The Altar... December 28 2017

Between now and the end of the year, to get what God has for you in 2018, now is the time to come to the altar. Even if you can't go to your local church, you can get in prayer right at home or right now while you are reading this and make that your altar. God showed me in a dream, an altar call and we're posting it here.



What is an altar call?

An altar call is when you step out of your seat and go before God. All that's required is for you to pray and confess your sins to Father God and ask Him to search your heart for any dormant sin or hidden sins so you can ask for forgiveness to close out 2017 and start 2018 fresh. Why? At times we all have to ask God in prayer to remove anything that's sin that's holding us back.

For example, if you were online quite a bit this year on Facebook, chances are you might have caught that new grumbling and complaining "bug" that's going around, but the Bible says to "slander no one" and "let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth." We all have to be careful with this. That's why the Bible says, "Guard your tongue."

Now is the time to confess sins and clean house so you can start fresh and be ready to receive what God has for you. Most churches do this now, but they might have it as a fasting service or an all-night prayer vigil over New Year's Eve.


Why the end of 2017, i.e., NOW, is the time to confess sins...

All year long, the devil has been secretly trying to get people to become bitter, resentful, hostile, retaliating, complaining, griping, cursing, murmuring, finding fault, being jealous, angry, hostile, or other emotions that God can't stand because they are sin. Asking God to "check you" for sin is something that David in the Old Testament when he said, "Search me, O God and know my heart. Try me and know my thoughts. And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." Psalm 139:23-24

Cleaning house or getting rid of dead things is something we do in other areas, too:

  • You might go through your closet and get rid of clothes that are torn or have holes.
  • You might get your hair cut to remove any "dead" ends.
  • You might trim a plant that has dead leaves so it will grow faster and healthier.
  • You will have a cavity removed so it doesn't spread decay further. 


Likewise, God wants us to clean out all the "gunk and dirt" in our hearts for out of the hearts flow the issues of life. In order for Him to flow in and through us, we need a clear and clean running vessel.

Another reason you might want to go into prayer and ask for Father God's forgiveness is that many, many Christians this year took on the spirit of offense. It was a rough year and we were all tested. Remember, out of the test comes the testimony. Before God can bless you, He tests you. God is a God of His promises, but we have to fight the urge to mirror the offender (person who attacked us or hurt us) so we can mirror God.


How do I know I need to go to the altar?

You might not know. Some sin can be dormant, but pray and ask Father God if there's anything that grieves Him that you're doing consciously or subconsciously. Like if you envied that nice gift someone is showing off at work,

  • "How many times is she going to hold up that new phone?"
  • "Why doesn't he stop bragging about all those gifts?"
  • "I'm sick of him already. Every time he opens his mouth..."
  • "What does she have on. I know she's in ministry and everything, but..."


These are areas where the devil can try to make us bitter. We don't want to be bitter. We want to be better for what God has for us and where God is taking us in 2018. 


What if you don't feel like it? What if you've tried that but things got worse or you're just tired?

I hear ya. That's the devil. He wants you to give up. But God wants you to grow in Him and be stronger. It's like seeing one of those military hell week videos where they say "Oh, the weak guys will ring out. Let's put the pressure on." The devil wants you to ring out, but God said "Be brave and courageous," and that we should "faint not." Trust me, I've been there. 2017 was ROUGH for a lot of people because we were sttttrrrreeetttcchheedd. Yup. That much.

Look at all the earthquakes, fires, hurricanes, sudden attacks, and how God shook this world up. We posted it in our December Newsletter with a recap of what's going on in the Prophetic. Just remember, that everything has a particular season and 2018 represents new beginnings. In the Jewish New Year, 5778 is new beginnings.

What I'm saying is, for the next couple of days, don't let the devil cause you to give up. (Hint: We posted a HUGE message about rebuking that in our December Newsletter).

Try this over the next few days...

For the next couple of days, say: I WILL NOT GIVE UP. Write that down on a piece of paper or your phone or your forehead where you can see it every day. The devil wants your situation to look permanent so you'll give up, but hear God saying, "Behold, I'm doing a new thing. Now it springs forth, do you see it not?"

Trust God. Pray to ask Him to remove any sin that is lingering, and be mindful to stay positive and at peace over these next few days. Be warned, the devil might try to fight you because he thinks you are weak. You are not, so recognize it if he tries to push your buttons. The devil's too late. We already have the victory!

We're closing out 2017 and starting 2018 new. Pray this prayer:

Father God in the name of Jesus, Lord I confess my sins to you. Forgive me for --- . If there's anything that I've done that is sin or doesn't agree with you, please show me. I want to live a better life through you. I know by Jesus's stripes I am healed and I know you will always make the way for me. I ask for your mercy. In areas where I am struggling to hold on and I am hurting, please help me, heal me, and give me signs of recovery. I ask for your peace, Jesus. Let no sin rule over me. Purge me with hyssop and I will be clean. Wash me and I will be whither than snow. Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me. Please don't take your Holy Spirit from me.

I want to mirror you, Lord Jesus. Please help me heal my heart in areas where I need it and please renew my mind. Thank you for your love, healing and forgiveness. Let no sin rule over me and please don't let the spirit of offense rule over me. If there's anyone I hurt or anything I did wrong, I ask your forgiveness and I know I am forgiven and you'll separate sin from me as far as the east is from the west. I have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. I am loved by you and I'm so excited for the great things in store in the coming year, in Jesus's name I pray, amen. 

The Prayer of Salvation

If you haven't said the Prayer of Salvation, now's the perfect time: Father God in the name of Jesus, Lord, I ask forgiveness of my sins. Please come into my heart. I turn my back on sin and I make you my Lord and Savior. I want to follow you for the rest of my life. Please give me eternal life through you in Jesus name, amen.     

Re-dedication to Christ Prayer

If you need to rededicate your life to Christ because you feel like you've been sinning or haven't been living right, pray: Father God in the name of Jesus, I ask forgiveness of my sins and I turn my back on sin. Please help me to overcome ---- and I want to lead a better life through you. I decree and declare this day I have overcome ---- and I have the victory in Jesus name, amen. 


In closing...

We've added a few deliverance prayers from Pastor Robert Clancy. May they help you as you close out 2017 and seek out God more in 2018 to start fresh. Remember, don't beat yourself up. This faith walk can be tough, but your attitude has to be that God is training you for His work. It's just a test and He's got it under control. He won't let your foot slip. Don't let anyone beat you down or discourage you. That's the devil because there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. Stay encouraged and be strong. We're praying for you.

Keep reading your Bible and never give up! God has you and He has the final say!