Need a Word

Focus on God: Don't Be Afraid of THEM or the Dark July 28 2022

7/28/22 God's Help is Coming Bible Reference: Psalm 18:1-3 "I will love thee, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower. I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised: so, shall I be saved from mine enemies." Praise God, Saints. I'm hearing "Focus on God more." I heard...

SPOILER ALERT: Remember, We've ALREADY Won the Championship, So Cheer Up! March 08 2022

Praise God, Saints. I heard God say a few times "Pray for all the police officers." I also heard to "Rebuke heart attacks, strokes, sickness, and disease." I was reading about Cinderella stories for March Madness, and the stories are so cool. There are NCAA teams over the years that were down by several games but still went on to win BIG in the championship game. One match in particular stood out. In...

God said, "Tell them 'Be not afraid.'" March 04 2022

  Father God said "Tell them not to be afraid when they see what God does."I was reading about a woman who is fearful because she has a one-year-old child and she's being laid off from work. She's worried about how she's going to make ends meet especially because she's in Washington state or California and can't leave home to find additional work.There are a lot of people that are...

Under Attack? Keep Singing to God like David. You Won't Fail! February 13 2022

Bible Reading: Psalm 16 Prayer "Remove me from every hidden trap." Praise the Lord, Saints. At 1:11 am, yes, 111, I heard Father God say "Keep giving glory to God. Tell that devil leave God's people alone." Stop playing games with God's people. I also hear "They're going to be saying 'Not fair' when they see what God does."  If you're watching the game later, you probably have a feast of goodies that you...

Walking a Tightrope? It's Really a Lifeline to God February 11 2022

I heard in the spirit, "His love is so rich toward us. He cannot fail. He is a loving God who changes not. He is here for His people. He is also a covenant God and will honor His covenant with us. Keep singing to Me. Keep glorifying Me. Many are in spiritual denial about what they see because they want to hold onto what they knew." Saints, Father God wants...

Don't Lose Focus, Keep Going February 10 2022

  2/10/22 He's "Right Away" and "Focus on Me" Bible Reading: Psalm 15 Praise God, Saints. Please stay encouraged and keep doing things that add value. And here's why it matters. I practiced my piano last night and realized I'd been playing the same songs for several months now. I wasn't taking the time to dive in and learn a few new notes or piano key positions. Why? I realized...

How to Block the Spirit of Offense February 09 2022

    WARNING ABOUT WORDS: Please be very careful in this season with "offending words". People are trying to offend and it's all over the news. They're calling people names, attacking their character, and using words that are highly offensive and downright ignorant and pretending it's nothing or didn't happen to catch you off-guard and quickly offend you to get you in the flesh. This is a sabotaging attack of the...

"Be Confident in God," God February 08 2022

"Don't you give up on a miracle. You’ve got to speak to the impossible. You gotta pray till your breakthrough breaks through the ceiling, keep on believing. Don't you give up, don't you give up on a miracle," Lyrics to Unspoken's Miracle Song Saints, I'm hearing "We interrupt this regularly scheduled program." I also heard "Pray for every police officer" and "It doesn't matter what man says. Believe what God says." God said "A miracle will come for you today." Believe for...

I Corinthians 10:13 God will never let you be pushed beyond your limit. February 07 2022

When you go through these severe testing and trials, it's okay to ask God for help. Ask Him to reveal the window and clearly show you the way out. He will because He's right there with you. Just ask... Listen for God's voice... One winter I was going through a big test at work where all my enemies were attacking me at once and I was being pulled in so...