"Be Confident in God," God February 08 2022

"Don't you give up on a miracle. You’ve got to speak to the impossible. You gotta pray till your breakthrough breaks through the ceiling, keep on believing. Don't you give up, don't you give up on a miracle," Lyrics to Unspoken's Miracle Song

Saints, I'm hearing "We interrupt this regularly scheduled program." I also hear"Pray for every police officer" and "It doesn't matter what man says. Believe what God says." God said "A miracle will come for you today." Believe for what you need and know that God will suddenly do it. God is full of all kinds of surprises so please SEE the miracle you need. SEE the victory. SEE the help. SEE His favor and SEE that He's there helping you every step of the way.


"I wanted to jump out of my seat!!!! Goodbye defeat!"

Years ago I failed my statistics midterm exam by accident. My mom was going through her cancer treatments (she's healed now, praise God) and I had to take the bus overnight from her town back to New York for the exam the following morning. I was already exhausted but I stayed up and studied all night on the bus with that tiny overhead light. During the exam I wasn't listening when they said to turn in the piece of paper (scratch paper) where you did the math and wrote out the calculations so I mistakenly threw it away and the professor failed me. Despite me calling and my mom calling, they refused to change my grade. I cried and cried because it was so unfair.

As I sat praying with my mom we petitioned the math board to hear my case and the dean of the department again refused to help. He said "I suggest you get an "A" on the final. I thought "What!" I was so upset and my tears were flowing like a river. My mom was wiping my face and she said, "No, baby. We're going to pray for that "A". She lifted one hand up and said "Lord, we need an "A" on the final. She said "I suggest you take some snacks and get in that bedroom and start studying." While I felt defeated I knew I had to give it my best. But, on that overnight bus back to New York something strange happened.

I was studying by that overhead light when I heard God say "Write all your formulas down." I thought, "Lord, that can take hours. I'll do it but I really need to study." He said it again "Write them all down." By the time I finished I had every formula written out neatly and it was now daylight. When I got to my school I stopped near the Jesus statue to pray and stopped near the Virgin Mary statue to pray again. Our final was being held in Mercy Hall, a former chapel (no coincidences with God, right?). I knelt and made the sign of the cross and went in to find a seat. 

When the proctor started the exam, she spoke and said "I'll repeat this in case anyone didn't hear me clearly. This is NOT an open book exam but you CAN use your notes. So put all textbooks on the floor or in your bookbag and leave your notes out." I wanted to jump out of my seat!!!! Goodbye defeat! I had EVERY formula I needed because I obeyed God. I turned my paper in and eventually went back to my mom's place. What grade did I receive for the class? God gave me an "A". Remember, there is NOTHING impossible with God. Believe for what you want and see it coming to you. Then do all you can to line up with the answer you want and don't doubt. Trust God's timing and do everything He says. He's a loving God so have faith and look for the windows that He provides. To God be all the glory! 

Supporting Messages: 

I AM Wiping Things Away So You Can See Clearly by Jamie Rohrbaugh

Listen as God says "Believe what I said and remind yourself of what I said...regardless of what you hear from others. I AM allowing people to be separated from you who didn't have your best in mind...Even your dreams that you think are not important are important to Me...Be patient for My coming...I AM with you and I will do it. I go before you to consume your adversaries...You would regret if I allow you to get out of My timing and My season...Pay attention. Love the ones I have put you in front of. See the opportunities in front of you. This season is not forever but you will regret it the rest of your life if you missed the things that I have now put before you. Be patient. I AM coming quickly.": https://youtu.be/Khcece1fIaQ

How God Sees Us in Our Struggles by Bill Yount

In football the player might go forward one yard but go back two. It's still forward progress. God doesn't see the pushbacks but the steps forward, i.e., press towards the mark of the high calling. Years ago my father couldn't stop smoking. I stood in proxy for him and dad stopped smoking suddenly even without me telling him that I was praying from 60 miles away. While some might have instant deliverance, know that some are weaned from their bondage. We are NOT sinners struggling to become saints. We are saints struggling against sin. [I don't agree with the word "struggling". I'd rather say we're "faced" with sin.] Maybe you don't feel like you're doing well in our own eyes but it's like God is saying "You look great to Me." God sees what we went through. He knows our weaknesses and even when the world is against us, God is FOR us. You are FREE INDEED and Christ lives in us by faith because of Jesus's love for us. God ALREADY had your funeral with Christ and raised you up to live with Him, so go live. You have the victory: https://youtu.be/afEAHsdAew4

How to Grow Roses in Your Desert by Kathie Walters

Listen as God gave her a word about the desert. She was concerned she'd be in the wilderness. Is the desert a punishment? What you see around you is nothing, yes, but God is in the desert coming toward you and speaking comforting words (Hosea 2:14-15). It's a reminder that we have to learn to sing in the wilderness. In that wilderness you're drawn to the Lord who is there with you. He's drawn to you, not what you're doing. You will call Him Ishi (husband). He reminds you that it's a close relationship (Hosea 2:16). Springs well up in that desert because while you're in the desert, the desert is not in you. When Jesus shows up flowers grow, the springs of water come forth (Isaiah 35:6-7). Picture flowers of praise and blossoms of thanksgiving: https://youtu.be/Do4iDc3hxsg

Divine Directives Through Dreams by Daniel Pontious

Listen as the Holy Spirit says supernatural directives will come through dreams. That word is coming through your dreams. [A reminder to get to bed early as God has asked us to]. The Holy Spirit can help you interpret your dreams and remember what He's shown you. If you're seeking the Lord, it's not in the next prophetic livestream, it's in your dreams: https://youtu.be/5LlbcmjNUi0

Meet Me In the Details by Emma Stark

Listen as God says how He created the tone the bees hum and threaded intricate veins through every leaf. God is saying bring Me your thoughts, your to-do list, your eating plans. Bring Me YOU. God cares infinitely about you and wants to spend time with you. Not a single sparrow is forgotten before God and He knows every hair on your head: https://youtu.be/Ro6Pzw2RoVY

Note: For more of our daily messages, please see Messages From God