Don't Lose Focus, Keep Going February 10 2022


2/10/22 He's "Right Away" and "Focus on Me"

Bible Reading: Psalm 15

Praise God, Saints. Please stay encouraged and keep doing things that add value. And here's why it matters.

I practiced my piano last night and realized I'd been playing the same songs for several months now. I wasn't taking the time to dive in and learn a few new notes or piano key positions. Why? I realized I was focusing on what THEY were doing, and not God.

Don't Focus on the Distractions. Focus on God.

When the devil comes through people around us it's easy to get distracted but that's what satan wants. He wants us giving our attention to his attacks so then we lose hope and can't SEE God clearly. That's like the Children of Israel under oppression and seeing no way out. What a surprise it must have been for them when Moses and Aaron said "The frogs are coming soon. Keep praying." Wait, what?

What about the time they said "Don't worry about the locusts. It'll be any day now." Or "Slay the lamb and put the blood over the doorposts." What about when Moses and his brother instructed them with "Go borrow the Egyptian's gold and jewels. Oh, and leave your sandals on. We're leaving tonight!"

Let This Mind Be in You...

The problem with faith sometimes is because we can't see the changes right away, we stop there but it's our limited thinking that causes us not to see God's abilities. Let's get a "Right away" in our spirits. Meaning, we trust God right away and know that He hears us...right away. His help is coming right away. When will we see it? Right on time.

To increase our faith walk we have to understand that when we pray God works. He doesn't say "I'll get back to you next Tuesday" or "Yeah, yeah. It's on My list." Similar to Abraham and Sarah, we must believe that when God swears He will do something, He will. Here's a thought.

I wonder if Abraham and Sarah would have received Isaac sooner if they weren't too busy trying to create an Ishmael. Maybe Isaac would have come faster if Sarah hadn't laughed in disbelief. Let's focus on God and trust His timing.

Whatever you need:

    • Invite God in and call on Him for help.
    • Put God in the middle of that situation and cast your cares on Him.
    • Wait on God and trust that He will work on your behalf.


And, like that piano lesson, keep going and believe for it. God NEVER fails! And He's a God of His promises!  

I hear "Pray for the President," "Mandatory evacuations" and "Rebuke heart attacks." 

Father God in the name and blood of Jesus Christ and by God's authority, we give You the highest praise. Thank You for your love, grace, covering, mercy and favor. We pray against all heart attacks, strokes, sickness, and disease. We also pray for President Trump and his family and Mike Pence and his family. We keep all our police officers in prayer and pray for our military. Wherever there are evacuations, we pray Your help and mercy. Father God please also help this person reading right now with their prayer requests and help us to confidently keep resting in and calling on You. We rebuke all demonic and witchcraft distractions trying to block our faith, and we bind away from us all the evil and demonic strongmen and workers. We rebuke the devil's assignment in our lives. We release warring angels, Lord, and your divine favor and authority to work on our behalf. We praise you for the victory and a good report in EVERY area where we need it. Help us to increase our faith walk so we can confidently trust in You and we give You all the glory. In the name and blood of Jesus Christ and by God's authority, we pray, Amen! 

Remember 9:30 pm as that bedtime, 1:00 am at the latest. God doesn't want us up at 2:30 am when Jezebel, witchcraft and the demonic are active. Try to get up no later than 6:00 am so you can sing to God and pray to Him. Anytime from like 4:00 or 4:30 am until 6:00 or 6:30 am is corporate prayer time and God wants His sons and daughters on one accord. And, speaking of cords...

Take up a new hobby like piano, baking, building that new cabinet or addition in the garage or your spare closet. Do things that add value, and let God work!