Need a Word

Don't Lose Focus, Keep Going February 10 2022

  2/10/22 He's "Right Away" and "Focus on Me" Bible Reading: Psalm 15 Praise God, Saints. Please stay encouraged and keep doing things that add value. And here's why it matters. I practiced my piano last night and realized I'd been playing the same songs for several months now. I wasn't taking the time to dive in and learn a few new notes or piano key positions. Why? I realized...

How to Block the Spirit of Offense February 09 2022

    WARNING ABOUT WORDS: Please be very careful in this season with "offending words". People are trying to offend and it's all over the news. They're calling people names, attacking their character, and using words that are highly offensive and downright ignorant and pretending it's nothing or didn't happen to catch you off-guard and quickly offend you to get you in the flesh. This is a sabotaging attack of the...