Fearless: Come Get Your Refreshing

Do you feel like 2020 took a toll on you? You're not alone! Time to fill up on God's Word and get your refreshing. The devil spends so much time trying to crush our spirits (he doesn't know we're already deeply planted in God). He's really terrified because he knows WE have authority over him because Jesus gave it to us. Satan is afraid because we're going to RISE UP, bring heaven down and set fire to everything not like God.

We're the only creation that can SPEAK and make it MANIFEST. But how can you get your fire back after all that crushing? How can you start fresh when you don't have the strength or the energy to birth that baby? Don't quit and don't give up now!

It's time for revival. It's time for refreshing. It's time to fill up on Jesus because His well NEVER runs dry. Come to the altar. Come get your refreshing. God is not done and it's not over. God's promises will be made manifest in your life because YOU ARE the head, lender and above, blessed and highly favored, fearfully and wonderfully made!

Pastor Cynthia Brazelton said it like this, "Make real in the present what God said in the past." In order to do that, we need refreshing. We need revival. As Daughters of God, we need to draw deeper into Him like the woman with the issue of blood and take the healing and help we need.



It doesn't matter what they SAY or Do. The Bible teaches us, "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith," Hebrews 12:2

A Word of encouragement:

    1. Keep reading your Bible for strength. Everything we need we have but we have to command it into our atmospheres AND believe that God WILL provide. Jesus gave us His authority so we have it but we MUST exercise our faith muscles AND believe AND don't doubt.
    2. This is a NEW season, NEW thing so we have to work on a NEW level. My mom says the teacher is silent during the test. So God stood back in 2020 to see if we would WORK the Word. We must STAND and keep speaking the Word UNTIL it becomes manifest. Again, don't doubt and don't give up.
    3. If you FEEL empty SPEAK refreshing and seek it out. Claim that which is not until it is - and again, read your Bible every day for strength. We're not fighting flesh and blood but principalities, etc. (Ephes. 6:10-18). We must FILL UP on God's Word and Jesus's living waters which never run dry.
    4. Father God said we need revival (and repentance). We must take the grave clothes off. That battle is over and now we must FILL UP again on God's Word. Like Elijah, eat the bread, eat what God gives you and rest.
    5. Wake God up (this is why some are SO tired). If Jesus is sleeping on your boat, you've GOT to wake Him up. YOU'RE supposed to be resting while He works. God supplies ALL our needs, not us and not man. Call God on His Word. Remind Him about His promises in Deut. 28:1-13. He said to Bring His Words to His remembrance. He can't lie and His Word NEVER leaves void.
    6. Rebuke those demons, the spirit of offense and all demons and witchcraft trying to come against us/God's people. It's a witchcraft attack and sign of the mark of the beast (as satan's armies grow). We must plead the Blood of Jesus and stand firm in these end times and Jesus's return.
    7. We put up a couple of links on resting in God. Importantly, see the Kay Nash video on Hanukkah from Day 2 about this testing season. This tiredness and exhaustion is a test to see if we will serve God when it LOOKS LIKE there's nothing. Also see Cynthia Brazelton's video on believing for what you need.
    8. Eat some cookies, put a bubble bath on and watch a good movie. God's got this! We're to rest, not fret. And, don't beat yourself up. We're to repent, rebuke all stubborn pride, read our Bibles more and ask for more wisdom and understanding to achieve God's will - not man's - for our lives.



Cleanse the Home in Jesus Name with Oil and the Holy Spirit/Holy Ghost

Shared via RCW: 

    1. Remove items from home
    2. Pray aloud in every room and invite holy spirit in the room: "Father in name of Jesus I thank you that this room belongs to you. HS I invite you into this room in the name of Jesus. This is your space, this room belongs to you in Jesus name."
    3. Rebuke the forces of evil, every demon, powers of darkness, any principality. Speak and command them to go in the name of Jesus Christ: "In the name of Jesus Christ I command every demon in this room that is in this room go now". Confess any sin, unforgiveness, bitterness, disappointment because that's an open door in your heart.
    4. Plead the blood of Jesus over every room and every corner: "I plead the blood of Jesus over this room right now. I plead the blood of Jesus over my home, I plead the blood here. Devil the blood is against you. The blood of Jesus is against you.
    5. Over every room, every item, and every person in the home".
    6. Place oil over every door in the home and window (make a cross or stripe)
    7. Before last door, command every evil spirit to go in the name of Jesus and then anoint the final door. Repent of anything in heart and invite holy spirit in in the name of Jesus.
    8. Walk the property that nothing can cross the blood line in the name of Jesus. No sickness can come in this door, no COVID or enemy can dwell in this home.
    9. Thank Him: In the name of Jesus, God we thank you. For every chance to cleanse and get delivered. Now we have your attention and we will see your great hand of deliverance and have struggled and have been in the dark but now you bring us into a place of deliverance and show us your mighty hand and bring us out and bring us into prosperity and freedom, in Jesus name as we obey you. You God will do the work and charge your angels to wage war against spiritual warfare and against our mind.


    God will make the way and He is merciful. We will be laughing in joy soon as He said help is coming soon. To God be the glory! I pray God's refreshing winds embrace you today, Daughter of God!

    Here are a few inspiring and uplifting messages to encourage you.