Honoring Marcus Lamb...


Marcus Lamb, Daystar Television founder, died yesterday at the age of 64. Having launched the popular network for Christians and Jews, the bishop helped to spread the Gospel to millions of people all over the world. 

“Our assignment is to build television stations …so we can reach the most people in the least amount of time. With television, we can curse the darkness and turn on the light.”

About Marcus, Greg Laurie, an evangelist wrote “I will always be grateful for Marcus. He said ‘yes’ every time we wanted to reach more people through Daystar. Millions have heard the good news because he & Joni dedicated their lives to building a platform for the Gospel to reach the world.”

Another advocate for Marcus was William Wilson, Oral Roberts University president. About his sudden death, Wilson said it's “a significant loss for the Kingdom of God.” He saw Lamb as “a media pioneer, an entrepreneur, an evangelist, and a pastor to millions of people around the world who watched him regularly on Daystar.”

Joni, his loving wife shared that he had “COVID pneumonia” and was immediately hospitalized ash his blood oxgyen level was dangerously low. Lamb would share truth about the dangers of the vaccine, often sharing information about alternative treatments.

Born in 1957 in Macon, Georgia to a Pentecostal family, Lamb, a Lee College graduate, received Christ at the age of 5 and was called by the Lord ot ministry at the age of 15. He would spend the rest of his life in ministry. Lamb would eventually start his own Christian TV station. After hearing God tell him to start a station in Montgomery, Alabama, he bought used equipment. Despite their broadcasting limitations in the early years, the newsstation was birthed with borrowed money from friends and family. 

In 1985, Lamb bought an antenna and by 1987 had 45 Alive with around 1,000 supporters. The Lambs set themselves apart from other evangelists as they believed in full financial transparency. 

In a newspaper interview at the time, Lamb said “We’re trying to be different. That doesn’t mean we’re perfect. The overriding motivation of my heart …is how can we reach the most people with the gospel.”

After selling their station to TBN in 1990, Lamb would move to Texas where he bought a new station and then a second. Just prior to 1998, Daystar was launched and one of the inaugural speakers was a preacher by the name of T.D. Jakes. Several other popular pastors would join Daystar including Paula White, Joyce Meyer, Benny Hinn, Dr. Charles Stanley and Pastor Joel Osteen. Lamb would go on to have one of the most succesful religious networks in the world. 

As the first Christian broadcasting station in Israel, Daystar would become available in Ireland, Kenya and even Pakistan.

About the success of his ministry, Lamb said “There are tons of people who would never walk into the door of a church. But if they have a remote control, they may stop and watch us out of amusement or curiosity. And if they watch often enough, the Holy Spirit will touch them.”

Lamb is survived by his wife Joni and their three children, Rachel, Rebecca and Jonathan.