Letters from the Holy Spirit...


 Our December 2018 Message from the Holy Spirit (Part 1)...


The battle is not yours. Are you thirsty for Him? Be strong. We're in the army of the Lord. You're in line for promotion and favor is on your life. There's going to be shouting and hollering in God's sanctuary. Strongholds are being broken. Leave the TV off. Get in praise and worship. Be quiet before God. Let Him fill you up. He's cutting the head of the enemy off. Stay away from crowds. They might be fearful but God is on the throne. Touch in agreement with one another. Stay away from crowds. He's coming to judge the world. God will judge your enemies. He's putting your enemies under your feet in Jesus' name. He's coming to judge. Continue your worship. He's coming to judge. He will show you miracles and signs and wonders. People think God has forgotten them. They're going to see what God does. He's going to show you signs and wonders. Get ready. This is the mark of the beast that's coming. Stay away from crowds. There will be long longs at trains stations. People trying to get in for the holiday. It will be very cold this season. Plan ahead. Ask God before you drive and before you get on the highways. There are going to be signs of Jesus' return soon. Make sure you guard your head. He's going to send signs to all God's people which shall be for the world to see. The mark of the beast is coming, but we are covered. Stay in God's shadow. Stay in His shelter. The shelter of the Most High God. He is giving His people provision. Watch for God's signs. Watch for his windows that he sends. There will be signs all over the news. Watch and see what God does. His hand is on you. Make a joyful noise. He has his hand on you. There will be signs of your recovery. But the market will fail. (this is not stock advice nor does this indicate a timeline). God's people are covered. We have provision in Him. There are going to be people who are not going to see. The enemy is not going to see what God does. God is blinding the enemy. There will be shouting in the streets. A great flood is coming. It's coming to swallow God's enemies up. The enemies of God's people you won't see anymore. Stay in God's shadow and see what He does. There's going to be shouting in the streets. A flood is coming to the enemy. But, you might be in for a sweet surprise. Someone might say "It's no problem for you." When you express a need it's no problem to fix it". It will be total victory for God's people. He is restoring God's people. Sudden victory and wealth. A change of status is coming to you. Because they have been obedient to me. They have been obedient to me. There will be hollering in the streets at the wealth transfer change of status change of provision. Victory for God's chosen. Change of assignment. God is making His people the head. He is sending them signs. Shouting in the streets giving God glory for what He's done. Snakes will be defeated. The fighting will stop. It will end. God is giving His people peace and rest. They will see provision. God has His hand on you and help is on the way. Watch for the mark of the beast. It is God telling you to prepare for Jesus' return. He is coming soon. They won't understand but they will see. Keep giving glory to me and keep getting victory in your life. Your comforter is coming soon Prepare God's people for His coming glory. He's coming in glory. He's coming to judge the earth. Prepare God's people. He's coming to judge. It's time. Come out from among them. God's people will see signs of promotion. A big earthquake is coming. Its going to swallow the earth up? Don't take this the wrong way. He's turning the world upside down. But, for God's people. God's people are in for a sweet surprise. Stay tuned and see what god's about to do. He has his hand on His chosen people. God will deliver us soon. Walk away from anyone that tells you otherwise. God has surprises in store for His people. They will see our help soon. They will receive help right away. They will receive what they need. He's coming to send provision. He's releasing prisoners. He's opening doors. There will be shouting in the streets. God is opening doors. Re. the enemy, it doesn't matter what they do. God declares victory. They're going to look at it the wrong way but what God sends is for His people. Pay attention to the signs He sends. He will show you proof right away. Open wide your mouth and God will fill it. He's repairing what's damaged or lost. He's healing what's broken. The broken-hearted. He's repairing marriages. Prepare for what God's about to do. He's coming to judge the earth. There's an earthquake coming, the coming judgment and God's wrath. Don't walk away. Prepare the way. Prepare for what God's about to do. He will reveal it in tongues. Expect to see the mark of the beast soon. But, God's people have a chosen and expected end. I praise God for you. You will see signs soon. He's coming sooner than you think. Get baptized. Pray for those that perish. They have time. It's a short time. Very little time and they have to think fast. God is moving His people forward. We are His chosen. Do what God wants. His people must move much faster. They are chosen but they are not walking in their calling. He's making them the head. They might not see it yet, but it's coming. They have to move fast. Get your anointing oil and anoint yourselves because the mark of the beast is coming. It will be everywhere. Don't go by what you see. God has not forgotten you. He has not abandoned you. He was there all the time watching you. Cheer up. Good signs are coming in. Look for God's elevator to take you to the next floor/level. We ask for God's mercy. He supports us and help will come fast. Re signs: planes will fall out of the sky. It's the mark of the beast. Read Jude right away. But that's not for God's chosen. It's the judgment season that's coming. Prepare for the judgment season. God is not judging you. It's for the worlds' sins. God is enlarging His territory. Keep reading your Bible and fast. you will see good news is coming soon. You will have what you need. God is restoring us. He's coming soon and He will not fail you. Don't give up on God. You are God's chosen and He's removing every stronghold out of your life. God will not fail and we have the victory.


Our December 2018 Message from the Holy Spirit (Part 2)...


God's people are in line for promotion. God's people have to repent. The changes that are coming they are going to happen fast. It will get better. The Holy Spirit said, "Keep telling them it will get better." Soon, you will see. Wait and see what God's about to do. The Holy Spirit said, "I want you to welcome them into the tabernacle." They've got to turn the TVs off and come out from among them. Tune out the noise. We serve a Living Spirit, a Father God who loves us. They might not be ready, but God is helping them. Everyone. They are welcome into the tabernacle. They might not know what this means. There is no division. Jesus' blood on Calvary was the price. He paid the cost. He's telling the devil, "Leave God's people alone. His chosen people that He anointed for such a time as this." We are covered in the blood of Jesus. We will see evidence of what God is doing soon. Be prepared for a huge wave of people coming in. People shouting "Hallelujah". Tell satan, "Leave God's people alone. His chosen." You have to tell God's people to prepare. Keep reading to me. Empty out the vessels so He can fill them. They have to repent and be ready. This is a time of worship for what God's about to do. So they can receive from Him. "He (the devil) wants control. He (satan) cannot have control of God's people." It's about control. It's the mark of the beast. God is sending clear signs. God will send clear signs, but our weapons are not carnal. The devil, he wants control. There's a new fresh oil that's falling on God's people. They have to repent. They have to act fast for what God's about to do. I'm hearing "It's not fair." People will be saying "It's not fair," for what God's about to do for us. God is going to give us signs of encouragement. We are covered by the cross. They don't have to worry. I want you to believe the possibilities. You will see it in the signs God sends. They must obey me. The devil wants control, but God's people know His voice. God will not fail. He said it 3x. Ask for His mercy. We will see the signs. Cheer up. He will not fail. Even though you see the bill, He will not fail. Cancers have to flee. Demons have to tremble. Touch every heart that you can. Reduce the egos. Make the blind to see. Touch hearts. Every heart must know there is a Living God. He loves us so much. The devil can't touch God's servants. He only thinks he can. God will send signs and special windows for His servants. Watch and see what He does. Keep up the offering. Offer up the praise. The sacrifice of praise. It shall be for all people. He's surrounding us with a hedge of protection. Demons have to flee. They know it. Keep reading your Bible. Tell them they have to pray. They have to repent. They have to change their hearts while there's still time. The devil thinks this is his playground - They say "they think they're better than us". That's what satan is telling them about Christians. But, God is coming to judge the earth. A touch is coming from God. He's going to reveal it to us. It's coming soon. Rebuke the demons of sickness, disease, and all cancers. Tell them they have to wait. They have to wait on God. I don't want you to walk away. I don't want you to get discouraged. I don't want you to live in fear. They live in fear. They're worried because they don't know what God's about to do. He doesn't want them to live in fear. He has so much love. Yes, he does. He has promotion in line for His people. His chosen ones. The ones He prepared. His righteous ones. They will say "It's not fair," what God's about to do. He has promotion in store for God's people. Think elevation and worship. It's elevation time.  We're going to be promoted. So much is going to be done. Hurry and worship. Fall before Him. Don't wait until you see it. You might not see the signs. Sit at His feet and worship. Get in line for promotion. It's coming and they will see the signs. The signs will come. They have to hurry. They might not believe me but they don't have to worry. Don't worry. They will see signs soon of what God's about to do. Open their hearts to Him. To Jesus. Worship at His feet. At the foot of the cross. Bring their symptoms to Him. The heart attacks, the heartaches. See what God's about to do. He has tranquil waters. Living waters. They are in for a sweet surprise. The surprise that God has in store for His people. It will happen soon. Don't worry. You don't have to worry. You are covered by Him. Good things are going to come to pass. Keep writing to me. Keep singing for me. Keep rejoicing in Me. See what I'm about to do. You will see my plans for you soon. Keep singing to me. I am delivering you out from under them. I  am making you the head. You will see. it's because of my glory. They can't touch my property. You are God's chosen. Bought at a price paid at the cross. Redeemed by the Lamb. You are God's chosen. Tell them don't walk away from what you see. Keep singing to me. "They", (the devil and the enemies), they think it's a game. They think they're in control. Their time is short. They will see what God's about to do. God has a sweet surprise in store for them. But, we are sheltered by the Lamb. We are covered by the Cross and the blood of Jesus. He said, "Ask them this question, "Are you sure you're ready for salvation?" "Are you sure you are prepared for what God's about to do?" You need to prepare your hearts. You need to prepare your ministries. You need to prepare your churches. They have to act fast. Faster. They have to prepare. They will see signs of God acting soon but they have to prepare now. Don't wait for "soon". They must be ready now. There's a coming flood and they don't want to get swept in with this enemy. With what God's about to do. What He has in store for the enemy. God is closing a door on him. You won't hear of him anymore. He has been preying on the weak. We have to prepare for the antichrist. Open the tabernacle and fill it with God's presence. Tell them, "Wait until you see what God's about to do." He said, "Yes, they've been waiting for me. I sent them the Paraclete." They have to move fast. They have to fast and pray for what God's about to do. Wait and see what God's about to do. Tell them, "Make sure you read your Bibles right away." He also said, "Tell them it's miracle time" and to stay in God's shadow.


Our January 2019 Message from the Holy Spirit (Part 3)...


I was listening to the wind whipping outside when I said, "Father God is here" and I heard: It's here. But, you're going to have to act fast. He's going to send signs. Look for your window. Keep up the good work and lifting up your prayers to Him. He's about to open up a window. Bind every hindrance away in Jesus' name. Release God's covering and favor. There's a stubborn demon He's about to remove. He's about to remove a stubborn demon. He's about to remove the attack.  There's a huge stumbling block He's going to remove. Keep us out of harm's way. Tell my servants, He will show up by tomorrow. He's about to reveal something. It's the strongest sign. He's removing the stubborn attack. They're going about it the wrong way. They're looking the wrong way. Their stubborn will. Their stubborn pride. They must fall on their faces before Him. Before Jesus. While there's the time. The enemy is waiting. He's at the gate. Shout unto God with the voice of triumph. Shout unto Jesus. Rebuke every stubborn attack in Jesus name. Rebuke every stronghold. That's the devil. Rebuke every stubborn attack of evil. They have a chance. They have a second chance before the second coming. Don't wait for signs. By the time He comes, it will be too late. They're not ready for what God's about to do. There are so many in line for a promotion. Tell them it will get better. But, they have to be saved. There are no guarantees about tomorrow. We rebuke every stubborn attack and stronghold of the enemy. A huge earthquake will come. It will swallow up their stubborn pride. Their stubborn pride. It's not God's will. The enemy's about to learn who God is, who they are messing with. Tell them to turn the TVs off. Watch the market. They will know something by tomorrow. (I'm not sure what this is). Don't walk away from what God's about to do. He will help with every detail. Keep sowing and singing to Him. Keep bowing down before Him. God's people are on the right track for promotion and favor is coming. He's pouring out a blessing on all God's people. It's an overflow. Tell God's people to turn the TV off right away. Walk away from the devil's games. He's trying to harm God's people. Satan is trying to harm God's people but God has the final say. Trust in God, not man. He's (God) a covenant God. What God has for His people is coming. There will be a powerful sign tomorrow. An earthquake is coming shaking things up. Tell God's people to get out of the way. When I write this online watch what I say. It's not about an earthquake. It's a shift for God's chosen ones. They will hear good news in the morning. It's for all God's people. (A second sign or for the second time?) Rebuke the attacks. A powerful earthquake is coming. Pray for God's people. Pray for Mexico. Pray for those in need of help. Rebuke the enemy. Pray for God's people. He's releasing favor for all God's people. A powerful eclipse from God. What God does for His people will pale in comparison. Tell God's chosen don't look back. For what He's about to release on the enemy. They're trying too hard to please me. Not by works lest any man should boast. There will be a powerful sign from God. Look in the morning at what God's about to do. God's Chosen look for your windows and doors God sends. He makes the way. Tell God's people don't walk away. The enemy is about to fall. Turn to God while there is time. It will be a powerful fall. A powerful attack is coming to the enemy. Keep reading your Bible. God is faithful. Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord. Turn off the TV. Tell them it doesn't matter what the enemy says or thinks. I am the Lord their God. Every knee shall bow. He's pouring out a special bless for all God's people. He's cutting off the enemy. Its time. He's cutting the head of the enemy off. It's not what you "see". Rebuke every demonic attack of the enemy. God is coming to cut off the head. Tell all God's people to get ready for what God's about to do. God's chosen to get ready right away. He's going to send signs but they have to act soon. What He's going to send will happen right away. (I keep hearing "floods" and "ocean"). Every knee will bow before God. Bow down before God before what He sends happens. Tell them if they wait for what He sends it will be too late. God's sending His people provision. Fast and pray before Me. Keep reading your Bibles. They have to act fast. He's delivering us. Look for the windows. God will send help right away. There are windows and special paths for us. Tell them to act fast and move right away. Get into position now before it/he comes. it's a stubborn attack and He's about to remove every attack from God's people. God's chosen ones who went through the fire. But, they have to move fast. Rebuke every stubborn attack and false pride. Get their window and seize every opportunity He sends and brings their way. He's removing every stumbling block out of their way out of their path. It's marvelous provision what God's about to bring for His chosen ones. His prophets. His anointed. He is making many the head. They will say "it's not his time" but it's for God's chosen ones. He is our Maker. He will make the way. Our chosen will see signs from God very soon. He's calling out His elect. He's a God of His promises. Every word will be kept. Every promise He made to all God's people. They've been asking for mercy and God's about to send signs to His chosen. But, don't look back. They will tell me why? What I have for God's chosen is not for anyone else. I stand in the gap for God's people. His chosen will see signs from Him soon. His chosen ones. Stay encouraged. Lift up your arms toward Him. Toward Heaven. Toward your Heavenly Father. Keep up the wave offerings. Keep canceling the devil's assignment. He's right at the door. God is sending special signs for all God's people but you have to act fast. Keep reading your Bible. Ask for God's mercy. Read Joel and Luke. See what God's about to bring to man for his stubborn ways. What he releases on man for his false pride and arrogance, for his sexual sin. You cannot touch God's chosen ones. I told them that from the beginning. I have my chosen ones set apart for myself for me. They are set apart. They have to move fast for what God sends to His chosen ones. For what He brings to man. He's a covenant God and all nations must bow before Him. It's His time. His chosen ones will see. God's elect. God's anointed. He's saturating us, anointing us. God's wrath is on man. They're about to come apart. Keep reading your Bible and ask for God's mercy. The devil thinks this is his playground but God is at the door. He's speaking to His chosen ones. I am not a man. I am the Lord thy God. separate yourself. Rebuke the devourer. Come out from among him. Before my wrath consumes. My chosen fall on their knees before God. Before me, every knee. Ask for my mercy. Man is about to see what happens when you don't call on God, when you don't call on me. Tremble o earth. Tell God's people it's about to get better for all God's people. Keep your hope in God. Have a better attitude. He's enlarging your territory. Write the book. Write the vision, make it plain. Post that right away. He is the Lord thy God. He is not subject to man. All God's people prepare the way. He's about to open a door that will unleash God's wrath on man, not God's chosen ones. People will come out of hospitals. Cancers will be healed. Demons will flee. All God's people will see change. He is covenant and He is calling out God's chosen ones. They will receive supernatural gifts from on high. This is for God's chosen ones. Use it to help others right away. Don't be self-righteous or for self-gain. A second touch is coming soon. They have to move fast. Tell all God's people to read their Bibles right away. Read Joel, Luke, and Jeremiah. God is not playing and His wrath is coming on man. He's at the door. Tell all God's people to prepare for the second coming. Hear God' voice. Prepare for the second coming and what happens to man, to your enemies who don't read their Bible and serve Him. Then He had me add this from Jeremiah:

"Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said We will not walk therein."

Which do you choose? God is calling His chosen higher. The end is coming soon. And, God is near. Which do you choose? Open that book and read Psalm, see visions, dream new dreams. Tell God's people don't walk away. I want them to testify about Me. People need to see God work in their lives. They will have a new story. Do you choose life or death? That will be what's coming. All God's people choose life but stubborn pride is death. They need to know by not choosing God and reading their Bibles they are choosing death. Tell all God's people they need to get ready.  He's anointing you to do special work. A powerful shift is coming to the earth. It's coming. Tell all God's people to prepare the way. It's coming. He's going to rebuke the devourer. Let he that hath an ear hear. It's coming. The earth is going to open up. Tell God's people they have to prepare for Christ' second coming. He's giving them time to prepare. God is giving His chosen time. Don't waste it. Keep reading your Bible. God will send help. Good news is coming right away. You will see signs by tomorrow. A better day is coming soon. Keep reading your bible. Make it first. Tell all God's people to keep their bible reading first. They need to be empowered, bold as lions. He's about to saturate us with His Spirit. Believe the possibilities. Wait and see what God's about to do. These are changes they need. Watch every word that comes out of your mouth. Remember to rebuke the devil. Watch what you say. You have power over your thought life. What you think and speak you command. Rebuke their personalities - anyone who tries to come against God's chosen ones or His elect. Stay encouraged. Our Comforter is coming. He (the enemy) is in for a "sweet surprise". (it's not sweet, He's saying this with sarcasm like it's very unexpected because the enemy will be so shocked by what God does). God is not playing with man. His wrath is on man. For us, it's going to get better. Get ready for the mark (of the beast). Something about the high calling of God verse. We are God's chosen. Be ready and be on assignment. We will have the help we need. Tell them they will see signs. Every sign is for God's chosen to know He's coming closer.


The 4th Letter from the Holy Spirit...

2/23/19: I was posting a comment on a church's Instagram page when the Holy Spirit started speaking so I just kept typing! Here's the full message...

Have faith and keep reading your Bibles and reminding people to stay encouraged. God is not finished yet AND He has the final say in everything. Keep praying in tongues and ministering to others and speaking over yourselves and others. Watch God's timing because what He does in this season will happen so fast people won't have time to change their minds if they're unsure about Christ. Ask them if they are sure. Ask them if they're committed to Christ. This is the time to lay the idols down. Now is the time to be committed to Christ in Jesus' name. Remember, no weapons formed against you shall prosper. Keep speaking in tongues and reading your Bibles. And, be careful who you marry. If you're not sure ask Christ. We keep you in our prayers and pray for those in the Caribbean. Father God said He will reveal it in tongues but we must continue to renew our faith and vows to Him. Keep ministering, calling on prayer warriors and speaking over yourselves and your family. God keeps us in perfect peace. It's His timing. Trust God's timing. He is healing His people and the land. Tell everybody renew your faith in God while the door is open and there's time. This atmosphere is subject to change. They might not see it now. Be committed to God. His timing. He will reveal it in tongues. Read your Bible, things that add value. Have faith. God changes not. The favor of God rests on you. He will supply all you need. He will supply to His chosen ones who are faithful. "They" are angry because God's people are winning. Don't fear them, God has the final say and God is not playing. He will send proof and expose "their" lies. Keep praying in the Spirit of tongues. Every knee shall bow... Every mountain brought down... Every high-minded thing... Judgment is coming. It's going to happen fast. Keep praying for all God's people. His chosen ones. They have to prepare. Get your house in order. He will not fail. Stand/kneel before God even if you have to do it all by yourself. God will not fail. His favor rests on you. He has something important for you. It's His timing for His chosen ones. "They" think "they" are important but God has the final say. Let every knee bow, tongue confess. His chosen ones can see. His chosen family. He is a loving God. He is pouring out like milk, but His wrath is coming. He will not fail. The arm of the Lord is with God's chosen. He will not fail. Look for the door and window that He opens. He has so much in store. Ask them are they sure? Are they ready? Ask God's chosen. They need to be ready for what God does. He will reveal it in tongues. His sons and daughters will prophesy. Though they tarry? Keep reading God's book. They will see. God's chosen will see signs and wonders. He's taking us in a new direction. Turn off the music. TV off. Turn the radio down. God will reveal Himself to His sons and daughters. It doesn't matter what the enemy says. God is revealing mercy for His chosen. Tell "them" "I'm not scared of you devil. I serve the King and God's wrath is coming." But, not for His chosen ones. He's revealing Himself. They think God's playing but it's the other way around. Look at the movies and TV. Keep reading your Bibles and sowing seeds up to me. Keep reading your Bibles and speaking to me in tongues. God will reveal Himself in tongues. Tell them it will get better. Believe the possibilities. And wait for me. I will heal every sickness and disease. I will heal cancers. I will supply all your needs. I will bring people out of hospitals. Keep kneeling to me. Keep speaking to me Get ready for a move of God. A sudden shaking and quake in the Spirit. It's supernatural. It's happening right away. He said I am going to send miracles. Tell them to give God glory for all the supernatural things He does. Expect a move of God. Keep giving Him glory. It's supernatural this time. This season, God's people will see supernatural moves of God. Waves of blessings are coming. Come to the altar, bring the tired and the poor. Come for refreshing. Keep giving God glory. He's healing their cancers and their bodies, healing fibroids, and teeth/gums. They think God has failed them. They have not seen the supernatural hand of God. He's going to show them things in a mighty way. Expect a move of God. He will not fail. It's a second touch for God's chosen ones. It's a second touch. Miracles and healing cancers. Pray Holy Spirit, come fresh on us. Anointing fall fresh on us. God will not fail. It's in the details. They think "Oh, I'm all by myself." Quit complaining. I can make it better. My anointing is helping you but your complaining is hindering you. Sow a seed of faith. God will not fail. It's His timing. He will not fail. Rebuke their stubborn pride and high-minded ways. Come to the altar. Lay the idols down. Cast the idols in the fire. Say, "Oh Lord, have mercy." He's saying this for the last time. Get their/God's house in order. There is a stubborn people full of false pride and false idols standing in the way of God's people. He's coming to bring their idols down. God's chosen ones separate yourselves, come out from among them. You have to move fast and don't get in God's way with your stubborn pride. Michael the archangel is there and He's at the door. Remove your foot. He resists the proud. God has the final say and its time. Something good is going to happen to God's chosen, His elect. Something very good. Keep coming to the altar and praising Him. Anoint yourselves and your sons and daughters. He is God and He has the final say. Tell them Michael is there. Tell them to keep watch. Look for the window God sends. Watch for the door He makes open. Keep reading your Bible. It will happen fast. What God does. It will happen fast. He's enlarging our territory. But, they have to act fast because God will move suddenly. And, He will not fail. He will help with every detail. The Holy Spirit said 2/25/19 at 10:32 pm, "Tell them you're about to start another letter." Will keep you posted.

The Holy Spirit said on 3/23/19 at 8:29 pm, "Tell them we're going to have another letter." Will keep you posted.


The 5th Letter from the Holy Spirit...

8/21/19 "Do not worry. God has a head of protection around you. He is saying, "Do not worry." God is telling the enemy to back off of God's people. We rebuke every demonic attack in the name of Jesus. We rebuke every demonic attack in the name of Jesus. We cut the head of every enemy off in Jesus's name and by God's authority. It is God that is in control. Not man.God is saying, "Tell them they (the enemy) better leave God's people alone." He's coming back to judge God's people. Tell them (the enemy) to leave God's people alone. Tell that serpent to leave God's people. God's servants are in line for promotion. There is so much favor on God's servants on His anointed. They (the enemy) better leave God's people alone. Stay away from crowds and large gatherings. We rebuke demonic attacks and terrorist attacks. God is going to have good news it's going to come right away. Leave the TV off. The devil can't touch us. He's jealous and mad he's not God's servant. He's trying to get back at God's servants. Keep rebuking the devil. We rebuke the devil in Jesus's name. Don't look back. Tell them whatever the devil does, don't look back. Tell them (the enemy) leave God's anointed alone. We rebuke every demonic attack. Tell them (the enemy) to leave God's people alone. We have to unite. We have to be as one for Jesus for a united, whole church. Tell them )God's people) they have to leave the TV off. The devil is working through that realm. We rebuke their demonic attacks. Tell them (the devil and his workers) to leave God's people alone. They will leave God's people alone. We rebuke false pride in the name of Jesus. We rebuke these serpents' attacks in Jesus's name. They (the enemy) will leave God's people alone. (He keeps saying this over and over and over again in the Spirit). They need to be sure they are serving God and not man. They need to rebuke false and foolish pride. God is coming to judge His Church. It's His Body. The Body of Christ is His, not mans. Come out from among them. They need to be sure who they serve. They cannot serve man and Christ. They need to be in a place where they can say, "It is well with my soul." They can only that with Christ. There is no confidence in man. Don't put your confidence in man. They need to prepare for more demonic attacks, more demons and more attacks if they are not covered by God and they are trusting in man. These are evil days. Stop trusting in man. Man cannot move your place. I have a new assignment for you. I will reveal it soon. I will reveal my plan soon. I will reveal it soon. Tell them do not worry. I am covering you. Rebuke the devourer. Rebuke the demonic attacks. Rebuke the enemy coming against you. The right hand of Our Just One is upholding you. Don't live in fear. They (the enemy) will be saying, "Not fair, not fair" with what God's about to do. There are so many in line for promotion. They are in favor, so much favor. God said, "Tell my people not to give up and don't look back. I am preparing you for what I'm about to do. Tell them don't look back." Lift their spirits up. He's going to to lift their spirits up. Keep doing things that are encouraging. Keep believing in yourselves. When you don't see a way, say, "God found a way. The Lord will make a way." They will see promotion and favor. There's so much favor. They can't lie? Ask for God's mercy. He is a faithful and loving God and He hears our prayers. He hears us crying out for Him. Crying out for the injustice to be fixed. Standing in the gap for one another. He is the Way Maker. We rebuke every demonic attack in Jesus's name and by God's authority. Whatever they do, tell them don't look back. The enemy will leave God's people alone. Keep reading your Bible and preparing the way for all God's people. Listen to me. Prepare the way for God's people and rebuke all demonic attacks. We have to be gathered together as one body for Christ. He's coming back for one body. He is the Head of the Church. He is coming for His Bride. Prepare yourselves now for Him. Prepare for Christ coming. He will provide Your every need. Look for your window."

A Message From Father God: December 2019...

Father God is saying "Keep coming out from among them." I have better plans and better things for you ahead. Keep trusting in Me. Keep singing to me. Be strong and courageous. You are not fighting this battle alone. I give you victory. I have a hedge of protection around you. Tell them Don't keep looking back. They keep looking back but I'm doing a new thing. Tell them don't look back. That's what they/the devil wants. We rebuke every demonic attack. They are covered. I am covering you. I know it's a spiritual battle. You are not alone. I fight for you. It's my time. It's our time. It's a chosen time. I have set you apart. You are God's people. Give me the offerings/the sacrifice of praise. Offer for me the sacrifice of praise. I cut the head of the enemy off for a reason. Keep singing to me. Worship me. True worshippers worship me in spirit and in truth. The devil cannot touch you. Believe me. Keep rebuking every sabotaging attack. I have a hedge of protection around you and no harm shall come near you. No harm shall come near your dwelling places and no evil shall befall you. It shall not come to pass. Keep giving me glory. Glory. Enter in His courts. Keep giving thanks for the great things He does. I'm doing this for my people. My chosen ones that are in covenant with me. So many are in line for promotion. Keep trusting me not man. Keep confiding in me not man. I am the God who provides. I have a hedge of protection around you that man cannot touch. No man can defeat me. Keep reading your Bible and lifting me up in prayer. I am delivering them. I sent my lamb for the slaughter to deliver you. Lift Jesus up. The devil cannot touch or stop God's/My purpose. They cannot touch you. Don't fall into the enemy's hands. You are covered if you come out from among them. I have so many plans in store the devil cannot stop you. Keep rebuking all sickness, disease and death. Keep reading your Bibles and lifting me up in prayer. I have not forgotten you. So many think I have abandoned you but I remember my promises my commitment to my people my chosen ones. Be committed to me. Keep reading your Bibles and be committed to me. It's time for my chosen ones to set themselves apart from them. Come out from them. Be committed to God. You are covered in the blood of the Lamb. Come to the cross. There's a great suddenly/shaking/earthquake that's coming. I'm about to/going to change their atmosphere. They need not fear. I am going to set them apart as my chosen. So many are in line for promotion. Keep committing to me/submitting to me. They don't have to be afraid. That devil is defeated. They're so afraid he might retaliate. They're living in fear that he'll do it again. But I guard you. My angels guard you. I make the way. I defend you in battle. I am the one who guards the door and there's nothing the devil can do to stop me. His presence means nothing. He is defenseless. Keep giving to God. Keep submitting to me. Keep laying your burdens down. Arm yourselves with the sword of the Lord. Your armor is your shield in me. Arm yourselves with My word. Hear My voice. When I call turn not away. Tell them don't turn away when I am calling. I am calling you to come up higher to come out from among them. Do not return and don't look back. The devil is trying to distract you through fear. Do not fear him or his armies, legions. Satan is defenseless he has no plans I don't know about. Keep submitting to me. Keep saying Hallelujah and calling on me. Write that book. Work on that paper. Invest in that new material. I am the God who provides. I have chosen you. They will look and see you've come out from among them. That was only the devil. They want you to walk away from me. Be determined to keep giving God glory. Keep turning the TV off and submitting to me. Keep your guard up. My servants are not unobservant of satan and his henchmen. He roams about. Guard your hearts and keep submitting to me. When you hear my voice harden not your hearts. I have set you apart for a reason. There's a hedge of protection around you. Keep rejoicing in me. Keep that TV off. It's satan and he's a menace trying to get through. But I have all that you need. The devil cannot provide for you. He thinks he can. That's part of his plan. But, bow your knees and keep coming to me.


A Message From Father God: February 7, 2020...

Message from God

Tell them they have to move faster. They will see what I’m about to do. Keep turning the TV off and coming to me. They have to move faster. Tell them they have to move faster. He will see what’s coming to him soon. He will see how he falls like the angel falls/fell. Get ready. I know it’s early but don’t worry about. Guard my children my sheep my flock. God is preparing us for greater what’s coming tell all my sheep to prepare the way prepare for me. Every knee… Keep speaking in the spirit of tongues, binding/loosing. Being obedient to me. That snake has to flee. He has to leave. I’m uprooting him. God will not fail. Keep being obedient to me. Tell them to move faster it will happen soon. What they need it’s coming and God will not fail. Keep being obedient to me. They will see signs of my help soon. Keep being obedient to me. The mark of the beast is here and its witchcraft. Rebuke the demons of sickness disease and death keep calling on the Holy Ghost inviting Him in. Tell them they have to move faster the mark of the beast is here/coming. Do not worry God will not fail. Keep reading your Bible. Open your mouth wide to me and I will fill it. But they keep wanting to call on buddha and other idols that won’t help in their time of need. Stay at the cross it’s God’s territory and He can defend you there. Another man is coming in. he’s coming into office. He will be there for me. Hear me soon.

Don’t give up when you see what I do to them through my prophecy. It’s so they can understand they need to be obedient to me. I’m making them uncomfortable so they can turn to me. They are being negative and saying, “It’s not fair.” Don’t think about the money. You have all you need in me. Call on me and it’s done. Every bill is paid don’t worry about “the way”. Stay at the cross. I am the way. I have what you need. Your soul prospers in me. Keep giving glory to God and then wait for me. Be strong when you see what I do.

Tell them they have to move faster and be obedient to me. Tell them they have to move faster and be obedient to me. Get up early with me [He’s referring to getting up at 5:30 am to pray, speaking in tongues and praising Him]. I know your stomach's rumbling for change. I give you victory. Everything is subject to change but remember I change not. I have my finger on the pulse. The crowds - they have to disperse. Every knee shall bow… I'm going to make them uncomfortable. They will be saying "not fair, not fair" but it's for us instead. They will be angry but don't go by that. Believe the possibilities. It's going to affect every pocketbook. They will have what they need. Tell them I [God] am in authority I can change them. Then walk away. Watch and see what He does. [Directions for God's people]. Tell them it will get better. They will see. Keep coming to me. They don't have to worry about what he (the enemy) does.

They're going to make a very expensive mistake because they thought God was not watching. Make sure you tell them, "Be not afraid when you see what I'm about to do." It's not for them. But, they need to see it.


Message From God: 3/5/20

3/5/20 1:35 pm Message from God: "Keep telling my servants to obey me and come out from among them. God will not fail. He's cutting the head of the enemy off right now. They will soon discover. Keep being very obedient to me. Tell them do not be afraid. Floods of blessings coming in soon. Help soon. Keep praising me. They will be shouting "Victory!" to me. Remember, God is in charge, not man, not your boss. Promotion and favor are coming for so many. Keep hiding in Me, resting in me. Floods are coming. He is cutting the head of the enemy off. Keep coming to me. Jobs and promotion and so much favor. Reunions for some. So much money and income are coming to my servants because they obeyed me. Be not afraid by what you see. What I'm about to do is so the enemy can see. I am removing my hand from them. Keep submitting to me, speaking in tongues, fasting and praying. He's making a way out of no way. He will reveal it in tongues. He will reveal it to His prophets. Keep reading your Bibles and obeying me. They're about to see God's help soon. Man cannot.Keep cutting the TV off and coming to me. Keep praising me. They are going to see soon. They will see what God's about to do. Stay in God's shadow. He's pouring out a blessing. Remember man cannot and the devil cannot touch you. Everything God said it shall/will come to pass. He's giving us strength. Pay your bills, stay out of petty arguments - when you see them walk away. Keep coming to me. The devil can't touch you. They will see God's help soon. Promotion for so many. Remember, the devil can't touch them. I am cutting the head of the enemy off. Do everything by God's authority and in Jesus's name. God will shock you when you see what He does for all God's people. I told them be not afraid when you see God act. They're (the enemy) going to be shocked when they see what God does but tell my people be not afraid. Tell God's people be not afraid when you see what He does. The strong arm of our just one upholds us. Keep coming out from among them. They (the enemy) have been murdering and sacrificing God's babies. They (the enemy) will see. They (the enemy) will be shocked by what God does but they have to see. Whatever God says or does it shall come to pass and they (God's people) need not be afraid. Kneel unto me. Keep coming to me. Keep giving me praise. I am cutting the head of the enemy off. They are about to see. The enemy will be so afraid of God's people when they see what God does. Keep doing everything in God's authority and in Jesus's name. Get ready for promotion. Keep coming out from among them. They are going to be so surprised. Total victory and total recovery are coming for all God's people. Keep standing under the strong arm of the Lord. We are mighty in battle for the pulling down of strongholds. They are going to see what God does. They (the enemy) wanted God's people to be afraid but they will be afraid instead. Tell them God's people that He is not playing. Don't walk away from me when you see what I'm about to do. Tell them get excited about what God does. When it happens it will happen fast. It's going to feel like an earthquake. Keep reading your Bibles. They are going to see God's help soon. It shall come to pass. The enemy can't fight this. Stay strong and encouraged. Keep speaking over yourselves. So much promotion is coming, reunions for some, missing children returning to their families. The lost found. He's going to saturate them (God's people) with goodness. Don't worry. So many are going to receive promotion. It's time. It's time. Demons have to flee. They (God's people) will see. They will see signs of recovery soon. It's coming. Cheer up. Keep coming to me, staying under me. I am the God who changes not. Keep staying in God's shadow and come out from among them. Do not quit or give up - stand fast (or steadfast). The enemy is going to be crying "It's not fair," when they see what God does but He has to rebuke their stubborn pride and arrogance against God. It's time. It's our time and so much favor is upon our lives. And, tell them cheer up. God is for you. He is not against you. You will see. He's coming soon, soon. Tell them I want them in bed by 1 o'clock so they can get up and pray to me and praise me. Keep coming to me and reading your Bibles. I want them praying in tongues so I can reveal it in tongues. There are so many surprises in store for all God's people. Keep waiting on me. I will reveal it soon in tongues. Soon, soon. He's coming back soon, soon. Get your houses in order. Prepare God's people and your ministries, prayer warriors. Remember, the devil can't touch you. Say "If it's 1-o'clock I need to go to bed so I can get up early and pray." Keep being very obedient to me. Watch and see what God says come to pass. He will reveal His secrets to His servants. What He does it will happen fast. Cheer up. Keep coming to me. Keep reading your Bibles. He will reveal it in tongues. Tell them don't walk away when you see what God does. And, watch what you say to other people. They might not believe but you know God's ways/thoughts are higher."

Confirmations, Prayers, and Reminders...


  • Note: We stopped listing individual confirmations shortly after August or September as the Holy Spirit said I was doing this wrong, (listing them all one by one). Every word Father God speaks is confirmed.
  • The Holy Spirit said again to pray for officers on 6/10/19. On August 23rd, a trooper was shot in Illinois. Shots were fired at policed officers in New York on August 18th. A man shot two officers on August 17th in Missouri. Six officers were shot in Philadelphia on August 16th. He keeps repeating to pray for all police officers, almost daily. There have been 9 suicides by officers in the NYPD as of August 15th. Two officers were wounded in California on August 12th. On July 29th, a man walked into a NY precinct brandishing a knife.  A woman in NJ stabbed two police officers on July 8th. An officer was shot in Texas on June 21st. On 6/12/19, 24 officers were hit with bricks by an angry crowd. An off-duty officer that was shot on 6/11/19 died 6/12/19. A Texas police officer was shot on June 20th.  On 6/23 an officer was killed and two days later, another died. 
  • We prayed and others prayed for farmers. The USDA is starting to offer them assistance.
  • There were men who dressed up as cops to rob a home on August 17th. We posted this back in October about men dressing up as cops and committing crimes.
  • I didn't post this one on social media but the Holy Spirit revealed people saying, "Speak English." There was an incident in San Diego on July 20th where employees quit over racists remarks at their job.
  • The Holy Spirit said to pray for Long Island..... I have to post the confirmation on this. The Holy Spirit continues to say pray for Long Island.
  • The Holy Spirit said to pray for the Caribbean. On 8/24 it was mentioned that a tropical storm is in the Caribbean. 
  • The Holy Spirit said to pray repeatedly for Puerto Rico when they had the flooding and subsequent food shortage. We posted prayers on social media and our site to pray that the injustice and corruptions would be exposed. The governor and others recently resigned. We also prayed for the people to be respected and restored and they've been protesting.
  • The Holy Spirit has been saying to stay away from large crowds (He said this again in the 5th Message/Letter). On August 12th in Texas there was a stampede in a mall after a man made threats. The Holy Spirit said to tell them do not be afraid. On July 30th, 4 people were killed at the Gilroy Festival in California. 8 people were hurt when a taxi veered out of control in NY on July 11th.
  • The Holy Spirit said to pray about not taking on the spirit of offense. A father, whose children were carjacked, and people in a crowd killed a carjacker in Philadelphia on July 12th. 
  • The Holy Spirit said prophetically we would see "random attacks". As of August 25th, nine children have been shot randomly in St. Louis. When I saw the information, the Holy Spirit said, "The devil will leave God's people alone." A woman was hit with a brick in NYC around August 23rd and there were four or five other random attacks of a similar nature. There was a random attack in El Paso on August 3rd. A Muslim teen was spat upon when traveling on a NYC bus. A hit-and-run driver randomly killed a 12-year-old boy on July 23rd in New Jersey. We pray justice for his mother. A Hindu priest was randomly attacked on July 23rd. We pray justice for him. There was a random punching attack in New York on July 19th. A subway conductor was randomly punched on the same day. A New York woman was fatally stabbed in a sudden attack on July 11th.  In the Bronx, there were random shots fired at people the week of June 25th.
  • The Holy Spirit said in the third or fourth prophetic letter that we would see more "terrorist attacks" and "suicide bombers". On June 20th, Feds arrested an attacker who bombed a church in Pittsburgh. The Holy Spirit said to "ask it it's okay to travel". There were 3 deaths in the Dominican Republic.
  • The Holy Spirit said specifically to pray for the Air Force and the armed forces. A day or two later, on July 2nd, it was reported that some of their top secret information was leaked.  
  • A lot of churches had been praying about people receiving justice and that hidden injustices were brought to light. Jeffrey Epstein was arrested on July 8th.
  • The Holy Spirit said prisoners would be set free. I think that was in the 4th Letter/Message? On August 1st, a man was freed after 21 years in prison after a witness came forward. An innocent man serving a life sentence was freed around July 17th. 
  • The Holy Spirit revealed to me in a dream severe weather that was coming. He showed me an early storm where they were saying on the news, "No you don't understand, this is a Category 5 or 6. The problem is this is only the beginning of the hurricane season." We posted this online. Sudden severe weather affected the midwest and 50 million on June 24th. The Holy Spirit said to pray about "earthquakes". On July 4th and July 5th, a series of earthquakes hit Southern California. The news reported about Louisiana and the severe hurricane but the hurricane weakened July 13th, praise God. The Holy Spirit also said to pray about the evacuation zones on the same date for Louisiana. On 5/20/19, CNN shared a weather piece about the category 5 out of 5 tornado warnings for western Texas and central Oklahoma. Please keep them in prayer. On 5/27/19 this was confirmed by ABC News which reported a record, "Since last Monday, 191 tornadoes, including 27 in just the last 24 hours, have been reported in the U.S., mostly in the Plains" and "2 feet of rain has fallen". 
  • The Holy Spirit said that God would "send signs" about blessings that were coming in. A billionaire paid off all the student debt for the 2019 graduating class at Morehouse College on 5/19/19.
  • The Holy Spirit said to pray for police officers. He then said to "pray for all police officers in the United States". CNN posted a report that 19 police officers have died so far this year. We keep all officers in prayer. On 5/20/19, another officer was tragically killed. A man walked into a NYPD precinct 5/20/19 holding 2 knives. The Holy Spirit said pray for all police officers again on 6/10/19. An off-duty officer was shot 6/11/19. We keep all officers in prayer. 
  • The Holy Spirit said "earthquake" on 4/21 and twice on 4/22. A 6.1 quake hit a Philippine island on 4/22/19.
  • The Holy Spirit said we would see "more suicide bombers" and Sri Lanka was hit with a massive attack on Easter, 4/21/19.
  • The Holy Spirit said there would be signs, that God would send signs to us. We've seen significant signs recently. A church in South Carolina burned down but the Bibles were all intact. Notre Dame had a massive fire but the statue of Mary carrying Jesus was untouched. Some people said they saw an image of Jesus in the fire. And, several important pieces of artwork and the Crown of Thornes were unharmed. In another story, 3 churches that were deliberately burned down in Louisiana received over $1.8 million in donations from strangers.
  • The Holy Spirit said repeatedly last year to pray for Puerto Rico. We posted several messages about this. CNN reported the President and Puerto Rico government are in the spotlight. There's concern how the people were ignored and mistreated. Instead of the projected $91 billion in aid, they've received only $11.2 billion.
  • The Holy Spirit said to pray for the Parkland students. We posted on this regarding "PTSD" settling in when we shared our prayer for them immediately after the Parkland school shooting. A second student has committed suicide.
  • The Holy Spirit said again to pray for "police officers" and the "police department". We posted it on FB and Instagram 3/16/19. Officers faced off against a man waving a knife at them on 3/24/19. An officer was ambushed, shot and killed in Chicago on 3/23/19. The Holy Spirit said to pray for "all police officers" on 2/5/19 and a few days before that. On  2/15 multiple officers were injured in a shooting in Illinois. On 2/12, 2 officers were shot in Queens, New York. On 2/7/19 in New Jersey, a man randomly punched a police officer in the eye. On 2/6/19 an officer was gunned down in Milwaukee.
  • The Holy Spirit mentioned floods when we posted on FB and Instagram. Zimbabwe and Mozambique were hit with a catastrophic flood.
  • Looking for the bigger list of recent confirmations? click here and scroll to the end of the article.



  • The Holy Spirit has been saying repeatedly to please pray for all police officers. It's a sense of urgency and we're seeing confirmation after confirmation of officers that were attacked. In New York there have been nine suicides by officers. We lift all police officers up in prayer.
  • The Holy Spirit said to pray for the President. We pray for the President and all officials in prayer and those in public office. Whether you agree with the President or not, Dr. Bill Winston had an excellent message on this. We MUST obey God's voice and should pray for our elected officials.
  • The Holy Spirit said to pray for the Caribbean twice. He also said to pray for Philadelphia. We keep them in prayer. 
  • The Holy Spirit said to pray for Long Island (New York) on 6/17/19.
  • The Holy Spirit said pray for police officers on 6/10/10. He also said pray for Los Angeles.
  • The Holy Spirit said twice on 4/21 that an earthquake is coming and He said it on 4/22 twice. Not sure where. He also said something about "tornadoes".
  • Please note: Father God is saying repeatedly, "They have to move faster."
  • The Holy Spirit continues to say to pray for "police officers" and the "police department.
  • The Holy Spirit has been saying "earthquake" (but He previously said earthquake/shifting in letter 3 or 4). Twice he said "volcano" on 3/22 and something about a major eruption.



The Holy Spirit said to remind you, "God is preparing a table/setting for YOU and God has a hedge of protection around you." He also said, "It will get better." And, He keeps saying, "Don't look back" and "For what God's about to do, don't look back." We're turning a page in this new season as we start the Jewish New Year, so be mindful of focusing on forward, letting resentments go and rebuking foolish pride. The enemy tried to offend so many but we have to shake off and rebuke the spirit of offense so we can clearly hear from Father God. Rebuke complaining, griping, murmuring and slander - regardless of what THEY did to you. The Holy Spirit also said, "Do not give up. I know the devil is trying to sap your energy, but hold onto God. Keep reading your Bible. The forecast is GOOD!"

The Holy Spirit said to remind you, "Please keep all officers in prayer." We posted this online several times and not many people understand how serious the attack is against officers - I haven't had this many unctions and promptings from the Holy Spirit since Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico. Please pray for "all police officers". A note about this: Remember, it is written, "Harden not your hearts." Some people choose to turn a blind eye to the police because they see the racists attacks by a few officers. But, we have to obey what Father God said. He said to pray for all police officers and we must be united in prayer as we prepare for Jesus's return.

The Holy Spirit said, "God will show you signs and wonders." "God will send you signs." "It will get better." "Stay in God's Shadow." "Keep singing to me." The Holy Spirit said 1/9/19 "Tell them do not look away, do not walk away, and do not look back." "Keep reading your Bible." "It doesn't matter" (what the enemy says or does. God is on the Throne and only He has the final say. God has said several times, "Tell them they have to move faster for what He's about to do."


The Prayer of Salvation

If you haven't said the Prayer of Salvation, now's the best time: Father God in the name of Jesus, Lord, I ask forgiveness of my sins. Please come into my heart. I turn my back on sin and I make you my Lord and Savior. I want to follow you for the rest of my life. Please give me eternal life through you in Jesus name, Amen.     

Rededicate Your Life to Christ Prayer

If you need to rededicate your life to Christ because you feel like you've been sinning or haven't been living right, pray: Father God in the name of Jesus, I ask forgiveness of my sins and I turn my back on sin. Please help me to overcome ---- and I want to lead a better life through you. I decree and declare this day I have overcome ---- and I have the victory in Jesus name, Amen. 

Stay in God's shadow, stay away from sin and temptation, keep reading your Bible and keep seeking God first. 

Be ye doers of the Word... We pray this message blesses you today!

If you need prayer, please call the Bill Winston Prayer Center at (877) 543-9443. You can also check online for Joyce Meyer's prayer request form and other sites that can pray for and with you. You are more than a conqueror!