May Newsletter: God Will Not Fail You

 Our May Newsletter

Happy May, Happy Mother's Day, Happy Pentecost Sunday, and Happy Memorial Day! 

This month is so significant. The Holy Spirit has been saying that God is about to "reveal Himself to us", "reveal it to us" and that God will "show us proof".

In this month's issue we cover:

Our May Message: God Will Not Fail You, The 21-Day Fast, The Miracle Will Come, and Our May Prayer

Music Spotlight: Jonathan David and Melissa Helser: No Longer Slaves, Jubilee Worship: The Lord's Prayer, and All Sons and Daughters: Great Are You, Lord

May Spotlight: Best Mother's Day Gifts and Ideas from the Heart

Need an Uplifting Word? Bishop T.D. Jakes: God Will Continue to Show Up In Every Area of Our Lives

News: Little Girl Sends Birthday Cake to Mom in Heaven; Mom of 5 Graduates Law School

Our Latest Products: Conversation Starter Cards

LOL: Break Time for Mom?

Get ready. We're going in...


God Will Not Fail You...

There's an interesting story we're sharing in our News segment about a mother of 5 who went back to school to get her law degree. It wasn't the fairytale story we so often hear about where everything falls into place and there are no bills and no problems. On the contrary, everything that could have happened did. The young woman's husband got sick and died, and there she was, a widow, by herself with 5 children. It wasn't until she was ready to give up that she found the strength to go on. You see, at her breaking point, that's when God stepped in with a Word from her pastor telling her to go back to school and finish, and that God would deliver her degree to her. In those few sentences, there's so much wisdom to carry into our own lives, let's explore this further because it's important to know that God will not fail you despite what it looks like.


The Seed, The Cocoon, and the Flesh
In our Pentecost Message, we explore what the seed, cocoon, and flesh have in common. I can remember an altar call service where the pastor asked who wanted to be used by God and people frowned and rolled their eyes. I didn't understand it at the time, but they were reluctant to step forward because they likely knew it would require huge testing. When God comes in, it's really God that's like a flood because everything we know is uprooted. But that's the whole point. Change has to occur and to be truly used by God, the flesh has to be broken to release the Spirit and the anointing because no flesh can stand before Him. With the story about the young mother who got her law degree, her breaking point was feeling alone like she wanted to just give up and die, which is the flesh and devil trying to get us to give up, but that's not the end. It's the end of the flesh, yes, but it's the beginning of a new life in the Spirit where we come out stronger in Christ.


They Tried to Bury Us. They Didn't Know We Were Planted
I watched a couple of really cool movies. One movie was about mothers who went through different conflicts. One was losing a child to sickness, another suffered a tragedy with her child, and another saw her child go to prison. In each story, they relied on their faith for God to make the way. There's a point in every person's life when the breaking occurs. The seed breaks in the earth, the cocoon breaks open so the butterfly can come forth. Know that you know that you know, God is not allowing the crushing to kill you or hurt you, but to bring forth the oil, the water, and the fruit you were meant to produce. In that midnight hour, in that darkest place, keep Jesus there with you and trust God to see you through.


As God pours out His Spirit on us in this new season, lift up your hands in praise and worship to the Most High God. Great are you, Lord! Watch this live version of the song by All Sons and Daughters here...


The 21-Day Fast

Wait? Another fast? No, it's not what you think. You're probably already fasting and if you're like me, with the Easter and the Pentecost fast, everything is fitting kind of loosely - But that's the point, breaking from the flesh! No, this fast is different.

As a writer, I see all kinds of articles and ways that business owners will try to influence shoppers, use customer-centric shopping tips, and so forth. But one thing stood out, the casinos, and the Holy Spirit told me to write about this, but I didn't understand what He meant until a few days ago.

The Holy Spirit has been saying to stay out of the casinos because they're using a new tactic to cause gambling addiction that's not very obvious. As a writer, I saw it and at first, I thought it was a nice thing they were doing and I write this here because there are a lot of parents and more specifically grandparents that use their social security money at the casinos. Yup, we're shining a light, but this is big. In the articles I've written, there was a common theme. The casinos which used to offer a once a month $25 or $30 comp switched to once a week, or once a month and on your birthday, but that no longer exists. What they're doing now is giving comps every day. For example, Monday they might give $11, Tuesday is $17, Wednesday is $15, and so forth. The point is, they are trying to get people in the casino or online on the casinos every day. When anyone commits to something every day, it only takes 21-days before it becomes a habit and we pray, Lord, let the church see what the casinos are trying to do. I'm not saying to not have fun online, but grandparents especially are turning to the casinos hoping to hit it big but they can actually become gambling addicts and not realize it. So if you see this, pray over your family members.

The 21-day fast we are suggesting is to put down anything you are obsessively doing and put in a substitute for 21-days. Here are a few things that can help:

  • If you're addicted to TV and movies: Only put the Word Network, Daystar, or TBN and Christian TV and faith-based movies.
  • If you're addicted to your phone or tablet: Pick up your Bible first and read for an hour a day.
  • If you're having trouble with texting: Get out a sheet of paper and write a letter.
  • If you're addicted to sex or masturbation: Open your Bible and plan to read for one hour.
  • If you're addicted to snacking: Have an apple before you eat anything else.
  • If you're addicted to telling people off: Every time you're tempted to go on a rant, put a piece of tape over your mouth and go in your prayer closet and pray for one-hour.


While some of these might sound preposterous, there's a point, and the point is to show if you have an addiction to something. You want to shine a light on an area where you need help. If you find that you can't get through a day or even one hour, pray and ask God for help with whatever you are struggling with and God will help you.

Ultimately, what the 21-day fast does is it purges you from the flesh so you can draw closer to God and if you find you can't make it through the first day or the first hour, just ask Father God for help and start again. God doesn't want us addicted to anything that's flesh, man, or from this world and there are spirits that can latch onto us in the flesh that a fast can help break off. God will reveal it. I remember this when I was praying over someone and the Holy Spirit said, "There was a stubborn spirit that didn't want to leave." The more you seek God out, the fire of God that's purging you and cleansing you will reveal and remove from you anyone or anything that's not God. The Holy Spirit keeps saying, "God will reveal Himself to you." Remember, in these last days we have to be 100% in the Spirit realm because our flesh wasn't designed for the loads we are carrying. That's why so many people say, "I can't do this," because they are working from the flesh and the physical instead of faith and the Spiritual.

You can come out from among them and we pray, "Lord, help reveal the areas we are struggling with. Help us overcome ego, false pride, and the flesh. Help us to separate from this world and to break free from these demons of oppression, the idols of addiction, and the chains of addicting demons that want to keep us tied to the flesh so they can hinder us, and hold us down. We can overcome them and be stronger in you, in Jesus's name, Amen."


Music Spotlight


Have you heard Jonathan David and Melissa Helser's song, No Longer Slaves?

In Christ, you are a new creation and no longer a slave to fear. Praise God we are free!

Our May Prayer...

Father God in the name of Jesus, Lord we come to you and give you all the glory, honor and praise due your name. Father God at this season of Pentecost, we pray for more holiness in our lives so we can be more like you. Help us Lord to break free from the flesh and worldly desires so we can cling to the rock from which we were cut. You are covering us and we thank you. Lord, we also pray for the miracles you provide. The Holy Spirit said to pray for the miracles to come and I'm hearing "It will come fast." In every area where people are struggling and need a miracle, break through and shine forth in their lives, Lord. Give them the miracle they need. You are pouring out your Spirit on your sons and daughters and we praise you because we know you are the Way Maker. Where finances are lacking, Lord, you are God of your promises. Give them more than enough. In areas where there is drought, Father, God in Jesus's name, I hear the abundance of rain for every believer. Where there are dry bones, Lord, breathe life, increase wisdom and heal marriages, heal hurting hearts and hurting families, heal relationships and the divide. In areas where your people are being oppressed and held back, we ask for your mercy and know you are releasing them from bonds, chains, and demons of oppression. Every attack of the enemy will be exposed. Every secret area where the devil is oppressing, Lord saturate it with your light. Expose the devil and we arrest those demons and cancel their assignment in Jesus's name. Where people are still saying in their hearts, "Not fair, not fair," help heal their hearts so they are not filled with bitterness, Father. Don't let them give up. Show them signs that you are there, bring healing to them, Lord. Send special signs so they will know and see your Glory. Help the unbelievers, Lord. You are the God of more than enough. You are our Savior, our Provider, our Healer, and we know the devil can't touch God's servants. Increase their anointing, Lord. Help them to want to read their Bibles more and draw closer to you in prayer.


We know massive earthquakes are coming. There is going to be a massive earthquake and you've already mentioned tornadoes. We pray for Hawaii, Florida, the West Coast including California, New Zealand, the Midwest including Wyoming and Yellowstone and any other area that's vulnerable. Please tell them to prepare for evacuations. The Holy Spirit said "sudden" and "sudden evacuations". (Massive earthquakes can also be in the spiritual realm as the White House is shaken up). We ask for signs about the 7th and 8th kings. Lord, help us to prepare your people as a massive shake-up is coming to the White House. I hear the Holy Spirit saying "God is about to reveal Himself to us," and "It will happen fast." Please let us know what this means so we can prepare your church. I also hear you saying to "read your Bibles more," and "watch your pocketbooks and spending." Also, He's saying "They're so competitive," but remember, we're not competing with each other. We are all under God in Jesus's name and no flesh can stand before God. We rebuke the flesh and egos in Jesus's name.

We pray for our nation and our planet, Lord. We know there is so much poverty and sexual sin in India and other areas of the world, so we pray for the babies, children, and teens. We pray for the mothers, Lord. Please help them provide for their families. We pray for the fathers, Lord. Please give them jobs and the strength and encouragement they need so they can provide for their families. We pray for teachers to be treated better. We pray for peace and covering in the classrooms. We know Puerto Rico is still having trouble rebuilding after Hurricane Maria, but we see 100% recovery in Jesus's name. Where there is drought and famine, give them rain and provision. Touch every heart, Lord, we pray. Shine your light on every area where there needs to be a sign. We pray Father God please send the former rain and the latter rain to us. In the lives of your prophets and believers, please send the double-vision anointing that we may be able to do your work and your will. We rebuke satan, demonic oppression, demonic thoughts of depression, suicide, retaliation, and other satanic acts and secret attacks in the lives of believers. We pray and cancel the devil's assignment in every area of our lives, Lord. I hear you saying, "Look for your windows" and to "rebuke every spiritual attack." We give you all the glory, honor and praise due your name, in Jesus's name and by the blood of Jesus, Amen!

Anything in bold above is something the Holy Spirit may have mentioned or revealed in a dream to pray about.

The Prayer of Salvation

If you haven't said the Prayer of Salvation, now's the best time: Father God in the name of Jesus, Lord, I ask forgiveness of my sins. Please come into my heart. I turn my back on sin and I make you my Lord and Savior. I want to follow you for the rest of my life. Please give me eternal life through you in Jesus name, Amen.     

Re-dedication to Christ Prayer

If you need to rededicate your life to Christ because you feel like you've been sinning or haven't been living right, pray: Father God in the name of Jesus, I ask forgiveness of my sins and I turn my back on sin. Please help me to overcome ---- and I want to lead a better life through you. I decree and declare this day I have overcome ---- and I have the victory in Jesus name, Amen. 

Stay in God's shadow, stay away from sin and temptation, keep reading your Bible and keep seeking God first. 

Be ye doers of the Word... We pray this message blesses you today!

If you need prayer, please call the Bill Winston Prayer Center at (877) 543-9443. You can also check online for Joyce Meyer's prayer request form and other sites that can pray for and with you. You are more than a conqueror!


Pentecost Sunday: The Miracle Will Come

Have you ever noticed that when you ask God for more you go in the opposite direction? The caterpillar suddenly finds itself in a cocoon. The seed suddenly finds itself being pushed down. The clay is crushed and molded. The real question is, Are you planted in soil that's too small? Are you reverting back investing in little people and little ideas when God has called you to greater? Are you putting a plant like an avocado tree in a tiny pot? Do you know who you really are?

Come Forth

They said to him, “Thus says Hezekiah, This day is a day of distress, of rebuke, and of disgrace; children have come to the point of birth, and there is no strength to bring them forth. 2 Kings 19:3

A while back, I bought an avocado and saved the seed. When I put it in water, the sun was so bright outside my window that the seed sprouted and was suddenly about 2-feet tall! I didn't know what I had. I actually had to look it up online to learn that this wasn't a plant, but it would become a tree! I didn't know its potential or purpose, but I'm sure you can see where I'm going with this...

There's a Christian movie called Born to Win about a man's journey into the role God had for him. He had to go through huge trials to learn his purpose. He went through tests that would bring him to tears (water to fertilize his seed) so he could come out better (we always do) and walk into his calling (what God intentionally meant for us all along). Like the seed that's pushed down, he didn't know he was now going to spring up and spring forth.

See our full message here...



Need a Word? Bishop T.D. Jakes

God will always make the way for us. There's no reason to worry. God will show up in every area of your life. Hear this powerful message from Bishop Jakes...


News: Little Girl Sends Birthday Cake to Mom in Heaven

Story shared courtesy NBC Miami: Birthdays just aren't the same without a cake - or at least that's what a young girl from North Florida thought when she decided to send one to her mother in heaven. Read this touching story here...


News: Mom of 5 Graduates Law School

Story shared courtesy MSN: Ieshia Champs is a single mom with 5 kids who just graduated law school, but her story is so inspiring and touching many lives. Her mom was addicted to drugs, she was homeless, had 5 kids, lost her home to a fire, lost her job, and lost her children's father to cancer, but then God sent a sign. Read their inspiring story here...


LOL: Break Time for Mom?



We hope you enjoyed our May Newsletter. Trust God and keep praising Him. Look for the miracles He provides! Want access to our full newsletter? Just use the email sign-up below. It's FREE, sent once every month, and you can cancel anytime.