Sing Unto the Lord a New Song



Sing unto the Lord a new song...

In our latest book Pray It By Ear, the Holy Spirit said in a prophetic message we shared to keep reading your Bible every day and to keep singing to God. As we get rapture-ready, we will see more signs and wonders, but we have to stand strong in God's Word and the power of His might. That's why we ask for His mercy - and His mercies are new every day.

There's a verse that reads, "Open wide your mouth and I will fill it with good things." Use these inspiring songs to help you enter into worship. Put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. Whatever it is, speak over yourself and watch the words coming out of your mouth. Make sure they are not in defeat, but match up with God's Word. Say "New income, come." "By Jesus' stripes I am healed." "I have the victory." "It's already done."

...and rejoice in the Lord. Again I say rejoice!