Trump Calls Hoax on Targeted Raid/Witch Hunt for Nuclear Secrets, Suspiciously Right After CPAC Speech, 40 Endorsement Wins August 12 2022

Donald Trump

President Donald Trump pushed back with "hoax" after a report states FBI agents raided his home in Mar-a-Lago looking for nuclear weapon-related classified documents.

What's concerning is FBI agents searched for documents they deemed as highly secret but could be seen on camera roaming through Melania's closet and dresses. It's not clear if they found the materials, they were looking for what some are calling an illegal raid.

Supposedly, there are reports suggesting that investigators were worried about sensitive information "falling into the wrong hands." However, it's apparent to those on the Right that this is another attempt from the far Left to stage a coup. While the biased Left cites "the urgency of the FBI's search," this only came after President Trump secured 40 endorsement victories for the GOP. However, the concern is that the raid included 300 armed FBI agents at a President's home.

"If that is true, it would suggest that material residing unlawfully at Mar-a-Lago may have been classified at the highest classification level," David Laufman said. He worked in the former chief of the Justice Department's counterintelligence division.

"If the FBI and the Department of Justice believed there were top secret materials still at Mar-a-Lago, that would lend itself to greater 'hair-on-fire' motivation to recover that material as quickly as possible." But how is it that they waited all of this time? They didn't immediately search President Trump's home after the 2020 election but waited until after his CPAC speech. The obvious elephant in the room here is that clearly, the move was a show of force by the biased Left and a way to make President Trump look like a criminal in the eyes of Americans. 

Trump took to Truth Social and declared the report a "hoax." And there are quite a few hoaxes the biased Left have all unsuccessfully attempted.

"Nuclear weapons issue is a Hoax, just like Russia, Russia, Russia was a Hoax, two Impeachments were a Hoax, the Mueller investigation was a Hoax, and much more." Trump cited as he listed the number of investigations that found no corruption or crime on the part of the President.

The alarming truth here is that while THEY are trying to turn President Trump into public enemy #1 (the devil is a liar), this is another obvious witch hunt attempt. How is it that the Department of Justice AND the FBI can pursue President Trump but not go after Hillary Clinton, Hunter and the Biden family, the Pelosis, voter fraud, drug cartels, child sex trafficking, Swalwell, China, fentanyl, or 547 left-wing riots. 

"Same sleazy people involved. Why wouldn't the FBI allow the inspection of areas at Mar-a-Lago with our lawyer's, or others, present. Made them wait outside in the heat, wouldn't let them get even close - said 'ABSOLUTELY NOT.' Planting information anyone? Reminds me of a Christofer [sic] Steele Dossier!"

But know that ultimately, Mr. President, that God KNOWS and SEES.