We have so many opinions about what God is doing in our lives, but when it comes to God, seek God out, then wait for Him. Be still, be quiet and wait for God. When you ask people, they will give you their perspective, which depending on who you ask, might not be a good idea, as in the case of Job. Sometimes, misery loves misery... I read the book of Job three times before I truly understood that it was a book about the conversation Job had with his so called friends. Here's my Cliff's Notes version: Job was going through testing and was waiting on God, but his friends sat with him trying to figure out what he did wrong. They were leaning on their own understanding. Job was leaning on God's. Job's friends sat with him in his misery and blamed him for his predicament accusing him of some sort of sin, but Job, the one who had the walk with God, mind you, knew God must have been up to something. "Though He slay me, yet shall I trust Him." 

In your own life, trust God and know that whatever He's doing, He's going to bring you out. Sometimes He will turn up the heat and it won't look like there's a way out, but know that God is faithful. He will make the way. When it looks like there is no end or path in sight, trust God and lean on faith, not your eyes for God to make the way. "Show me the path you have for me." "He made a way out of no way."

One night, a few years ago, just before my mother was diagnosed with cancer, I received a very strange sign. I was waiting on a bus to go home. Cabs were nowhere to be found and the train was delayed. So I waited for a bus on a stop I normally didn't use, when suddenly it started to rain heavily and I mean torrential rain. A cab pulled up out of nowhere and the driver signaled for me to hurry up and get in. (I wrote about this miracle a few years ago). I thanked the driver and he started driving but could barely see because of the rain which grew heavier, and suddenly, a large tree branch fell on the road in front of the cab. The driver couldn't drive over it and was considering backing up to get around it but it was so big. Just then, the wind pushed the tree branch across the road and out of the way. I kid you not! I knew God was showing me something so I kept praising Him and thanking Him for delivering me. I didn't understand what it meant but I knew it was a sign to hold onto.

To make a long story short, I had to leave my job shortly thereafter to go and take care of my mom who was going through cancer treatments, but God healed her. He made the way just like He showed me. This powerful move of God healing my mom led to me being able to give God glory at my church, my mom's church, the hospital where she was being treated and back on my job everyone knew what God did for my mom, so trust God, despite what it looks like. It might not look easy, but God is a God who helps in our tight places. He will make the way. He will send signs and wonders, just ask. He gives new mercies, grace, favor and knowledge, just ask. And when it comes to what He's up to? Wait on the Lord, be brave and courageous. Wait on the Lord and He will make the way! To God be the glory!