Our Recent Facebook Messages... January 14 2018


Forgive Them...

This Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, don't have bitterness in your heart or head towards any man. Rebuke their personalities. Whether it's on your job, at home, in school, or in church, forgive them and walk away from anyone that wants to oppress you or crush your spirit for it is written, "There is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus." "Jesus came that we might have life and have it more abundantly." "The stone the builder rejected is now the cornerstone."

Lastly, don't let the bitter words of others make you become bitter. It's sabotage because you'll block and lose your own blessings. As Jesus said, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do," and you should likewise forgive those that hurt you and pray for them to change. 

Pray for Puerto Rico. Pray for our nation and pray for our planet.

#Pray #PrayItByEar #PrayforPuertoRico 


Who has offended you? 

Someone on Facebook? The Democrats? The Republicans? Someone on your job? People in your church? A classmate? Your spouse? A parent? Your child? A sibling? A neighbor? 

The Bible says, "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man and the end thereof is destruction." There are people offending you and you've built up a wall to protect yourself, but in order to receive the blessings God has for you in this new season, you MUST guard your heart, yes, but also pray to remove the spirit of offense because God can't bless what doesn't mirror Him. Sin separates us from God. This is what happened to me. 

I had very jealous and manipulative people in my life that lied and said I did things I didn't. It didn't start that way. As long as I was doing what THEY wanted things were fine, but when I realized I was making them a false idol by constantly trying to please them and not God, I got up and walked away. Then I was hit with the attacks and the lies. I was appalled and it crushed my spirit because I know I have a good heart. I was missing the point. The devil is the accuser of the brethern. They intentionally attacked my character so I would get offended and become bitter, but God doesn't want us bitter. He wants us better. Don't be afraid when they yell, throw tantrums, and lie. Come out from among them. We pray, 

"Father God in the name of Jesus, Lord please purge (remove) from my thoughts any bitterness, anger, or resentment towards (Name(s)). Forgive them for attacking me. They didn't know what they were doing. Renew my mind with healing and love. I forgive (Name(s)) and I love them and pray for them. Please heal my heart and take away any demonic thoughts of anger, rage, retaliation, bitterness, or unforgiveness right now, in Jesus's name, amen." 

Don't look back at the person or people who offended you. Rebuke their personalities. God will deal with them. He knows all and sees all and while they lie on you and say things you didn't do, always remember, people reap what they sow greater than they sow. Pray for your enemies because when God's wrath turns on them in their direction, it ain't gonna be pretty. Keep your heart and mind staid on Christ and His love. Whenever a thought pops up about the person or people, say, "I have a forgiving heart, I am healed, and I walk in love. I pray for (Name(s))." If you have encounters with the person, just quietly and politely walk away and pray, "Lord, I don't let their words cling to me." Stay encouraged and humble, and keep reading your Bible! Rebuke the demons of suicidal thoughts, depression, retaliation, unforgiveness, and repeating the past or playing those same tapes over in your mind. God is with you and you are covered in the blood of Jesus.

Let nothing block you from your blessings or all that God has for you! 

#Pray #PrayItByEar #PrayforPuertoRico




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New Year 2018: God is covering us...

The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. Numbers 6:24-26

We praise and give thanks to our loving Father God for Blessings, Covering, and Favor in 2018, a prosperous year for new beginnings. 

Sharing a confirming message from Pastor Joel Osteen, "Every one of us can look back over our life and see times where God made a way when we didn’t see a way, put us at the right place at the right time, got that promotion, turned the problem around or protected us. You haven’t seen anything yet. What God has in store in 2018 is going to be bigger, better and more rewarding than anything you’ve seen in the past."

#Pray #PrayforPuertoRico #PrayItByEar


Please pray...

The Holy Spirit is saying or uttering that a massive earthquake is getting ready to take place "suddenly". Not sure what this is or where. Stay calm. I just keep hearing "massive" and "suddenly".

Please read your Bibles and pray over the New Year. Don't give up and don't let go. Stay encouraged. That "massive" and "suddenly" may also mean great shifts for God's people. We will be shouting victory! I hear "Victory". Doors that will be opened for you. Ways will be made that you couldn't make on your own. New windows will open that God provides. Sudden victory, wealth, change of status. Keep reading your Bible, stay close to God, and keep your loved ones close to you. No harm shall come near your dwelling place and no evil shall befall you. God is going to do great things in 2018!




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 #Pray #PrayItByEar http://shop.pe/ECnAs




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Put on the whole armor of God with these powerful prayer tips today...

God is equipping you, so stay encouraged. The battle is not yours, it's the Lord's. We already have the victory - so keep speaking victory over your finances, your job, your family, your business, your education, your marriage, and your health!

God cannot fail you. Don't let the devil rob you another day. Say, "Increase my finances, Lord," and watch Him bring it to pass. Say, "By Jesus's stripes, I am healed," and watch for your healing breakthrough. That's why you need to be careful what you speak. Your Words will be made manifest. Use them to make the change you need. Keep reading your Bibles and praying!




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I heard it in the Spirit as I was eating dinner. I heard a voice say, "I haven't had anything to eat all day."

There are people in Puerto Rico that haven't been reached, are crying for help, and being ignored. How do I know? The Holy Spirit has stressed to pray for Puerto Rico and to start a petition for Puerto Rico. That's what we've done. Now we need a few minutes of your time...

Please ask your church, coworkers, friends, and neighbors to sign the Petition for Puerto Rico. We're asking for new storm-proof homes, clean running water, restoration, debts canceled, rebuilt streets, and for people to be able to go back to their daily living. We ask that every neighborhood shows their progress. The government is saying 64 deaths. The NY Times estimates 1,000+ deaths. The UN is going to tour the devastation.

Help Puerto Rico ASAP. They only have a few months before the temperature's in the triple-digits. With no electricity, there's no air conditioning. We're asking for mercy and for Puerto Ricans to be treated with respect and dignity. If your mother, grandmother, or baby was crying and hungry, would you leave them? Please sign and share our Petition for Puerto Rico. Jesus said, "What you do to the least of these, you do to me."https://petitions.moveon.org/…/petition-for-puerto-rico.fb4…
#PrayforPuertoRico #PetitionforPuertoRico



Don't worry, rest...

When you rest in God, you're showing Him that you're waiting for Him to show up and show you the way. So often we think we have to do everything or we need a plan, but God already has plans for us. Trust Him, obey, and let God reveal what He has in store for you. He's always right on time...

Shown is one of our Psalm 91 Seed Cards in fuschia with Psalm 91 on it. Order them for your church and use them in your outreach ministries.http://shop.pe/VE26W




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