LEAVE ROOM FOR GOD... October 19 2014

Sometimes we're so independent and the second we feel the wind we're ready to take off and hoist the sails, but WAIT! Leave room for God to move on your behalf. Remember the scripture, 'Ye them that wait upon the Lord'? Just because you see a ton of opportunities coming doesn't mean God doesn't want to work on your behalf. Have you consulted Him? Maybe He wants to bless you this time and reveal something new to you. I remember I was in such a hurry to celebrate my birthday with friends. I bought the cake, knew extra cake and cupcakes were coming, had balloons, cards, flowers, gifts, the whole nine, but the morning of my birthday, I was heading into work and the train was delayed. I was standing on the platform saying my prayers when I saw something out of the corner of my eye. Two swans were swimming along the Hudson River. We never have swans on the Hudson, and never on my birthday! I knew it was a special gift from God because He knows I love all kinds of birds: egrets, albatross, swans, flamingos, eagles. I ran over to take a few pics, and as I watched them swim toward me, I started crying because I realized I hadn't been making room for God to bless me, too. 

Leave a little room in your heart, and maybe a little extra film in your camera, or with modern technology, charge your phone. You don't know what God has in store for you or what you might get to take a picture of! Taste and see that the Lord is good! You don't know the plans He has for you. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11