While we may not think about it, someone out there is in need. Yes, we see and hear reminders to donate all the time, but I learned a very valuable lesson this week, charity doesn't just begin at home, it sometimes comes from the home and can be very close to your heart.

I had an old sofa I wanted to get rid of to make room for my new one and the easiest way for me to get rid of it was to post an ad in Craigslist for a free sofa, first come first serve. I got a bunch of calls and emails, but one young man stood out from the rest because he was the first to come to see it and said he would come back with a bigger truck the following night. He was right on time and brought his cousin and brother with him. They were all shy, quiet and were shocked by the good condition of the sofa as I saw them squeezing the cushions which are really comfy, and one whispered to the others that the sofa smelled sweet - thanks to Bath and Body Works, I might add. As they were leaving I asked the young man if they were going to keep it and he said yes right away, they needed furniture.

It was a reminder to me that what might be one person's trash is another person's treasure. It had only been about 10 years prior when this sofa was handed down to me from a neighbor who had moved and couldn't fit the full sectional in their apartment, hence my coming into this sofa bed and I considered it my pride and joy when I got it home, as I too nestled into its comfy cushions. As time wore on though, and I bought a bigger, more plush couch, this kind of sat in the room but off to the side, ignored, except for when I spruced up the pillows, cleaned under it and spritzed it with the B&BW. I'd forgotten that this treasure could be a blessing for someone in need.

When you have time, leave a treasure/gift out for someone else. It can be a bag of clothes that you donate to your local charity for a nice end of year tax write-off, a bag of clothes you leave near the garbage for someone to take, or it can be a free gift that you give to someone in need. While charity begins at home, what better way to give back than to do just that.