IT WILL TAKE TIME: December 10 2014

When you start thinking about new year's resolutions, remember, not everything has to be done at once. There are so many gyms packed in January and empty by February. If you want success that lasts, steady your pace and work for longevity and consistency. You might want to read the Bible in a year, but maybe you only have time for a few verses each night. That's a start, keep your Bible near your bed as a reminder and don't beat yourself up if you miss a day, but stay at it. You might want to lose weight, but maybe you're not a runner. Just try walking a little more each day. Take the stairs when you can and stay at it. But know that walking to the fridge to get the last slice of cake does not count. Whatever you do, take baby steps and be consistent. It takes on average, about 30-days for a new habit to stick...