Bloom Where You Are Planted... June 10 2017


Bloom where you are planted...

There were days I hated going into work at my old job. People were rude and complained all the time. They yelled and screamed and made it a hostile environment. But then a strange thing happened. I watched a message about being the light in a dark place and it changed my thinking:

If you walk into an environment and you can't see the light, it might be because you are the light that God is sending there. I thought about how I prayed for my coworkers and bosses, how I would share leftover food with the housekeeping staff, how I would bring snacks and magazines in or how I would work longer shifts so other people could have the day off. While people may not tell you thank you and they may not acknowledge you, what they think doesn't matter. We do our work as unto the Lord.

This is what happened with David in the Old Testament when his father asked him to take lunch to his brothers. David could have said, "No, I'm destined to become king," or "Can't someone else do it? They hate me." But instead, he ran out to take food to his brothers and when he heard Goliath taunting Saul and the armies, David was ready to help fight Goliath because he knew that God was on his side. For with God, all things are possible.

Go where God sends you and let your light shine. You might be the light that someone needs in a very dark place...