Happy, Healthy, Healed February 10 2016

 Happy, Healthy, Healed God-Driven-Designs Event for Sister to Sister, Int'l.

We've included a few sample items and photos from the event below...

The image above is the prayer card for the event...

The image above is the back of the women's card...

The image above was for the women's magnets...

For this event we did 2 magnets to mix up the color scheme...

The image above was for the kids prayer cards...

The image above is the kids prayer card (back)...

The image above is the kids magnet...

The image above shows the tables for the vending event...

Our products were an assortment for kids, teens, and young adults...

We also had a lot on hand for the adults, too!

Yup, we had yoga DVDs, jump ropes, pedometers and more!


A few ladies shopping at the event!