Happy, Healthy, Healed: Having All That God Wants For You... June 30 2017

This summer we're focusing on a new series, Happy, Healthy, Healed. Whether you've gone through severe hurt or heartache, this series can help you. For our Happy, Healthy, Healed series, we've used different themes to help bring positive change into your atmosphere. There are healing messages from Bishop TD Jakes, Joel Osteen, and Rebekah Lyons, fun food recipes like frozen yogurt or shrimp tostadas, and great stories like Recognizing Narcissists and Who's Stealing Your Peace: The Draining Bunch to help you sort through those so called "friends" and manipulative coworkers, and family members that might really be toxic.

Yup, there's a lot you might want to clean up and out of your life. We hope you enjoy our series and we hope it inspires you to get rid of that old, stinkin' thinkin' so you can focus on the Will of God in your life: "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and an expected end."

Buckle up, we're going in...





I have to admit, I laughed when I first looked up "uplifting your mood" online. I had prayed about our "Happy" message and the Holy Spirit said He wanted me to write on "uplifting your mood," so I Googled it, and there in front of me was an ad for an AirWick. The message behind it was that scenting your air could be a mood changer. While I laughed, I had to admit, it was kind of true.

Changing the atmosphere can change how we perceive it. Sometimes we need this especially if we've gone through a trying time or a severe trauma. Maybe you lost your job or had a falling out with a spouse. You may need to change your atmosphere so you can start fresh.

For the full article, please click here...




Easy and fun cooking tips, a few new recipes, and a lot of great flavor! It's always time to say "Yum!" Check out these fun video clips on everything from new foods, diet, and exercise to the benefits of ginger, apple cider vinegar and other great ideas. Let's start with Apple Cider Vinegar as we see what Dr. Oz has to say about its health benefits.

For the full article, please click here...



In our "Healed" segment, we're focusing on various ways that you can deal with your emotions so you can walk in love and forgiveness and heal from negative emotional soul ties. Take a look at the Recognizing Narcissists article if you're dealing with difficult people you cannot understand who may try to undermine your confidence and focus. We also have the Who's Stealing Your Peace? The Draining Bunch who might be trying to sap your energy and cause distractions. By focusing on healing and walking away from people that might be trying to sabotage you, cause harm, and hinder your growth, you can better hear from God and move forward into your calling with peace, clarity, and focus for your future.

For the full article, please click here..



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