Healed... June 30 2017

 In our healed segment, we're focusing on various ways that you can deal with your emotions so you can walk in love and forgiveness and heal from negative emotional soul ties. Take a look at the Recognizing Narcissists article below if you're dealing with difficult people you cannot understand who may try to undermine your confidence and focus. We also have the Draining Bunch who might be trying to sap your energy and cause distractions. By focusing on healing and walking away from people that might be trying to cause harm and hinder your growth, you can better hear from God and move forward into your calling with peace, clarity and focus for your future. Let's begin with forgiveness...



Feel Good Moment of the Day...

Touching video: Marine's son tries not to cry as new stepmom reads vows to him that include, "I may not have given you the gift of life, but life surely gave me the gift of you."



One of the first ways to start healing is to forgive those who hurt you. Yes, they may have done horrible things to hurt and attack you, but you have to let it go. Remember, when we ask God for mercy, He is merciful. He expects us to extend the same mercy to others. That doesn't mean you have to let them back in so they can repeat the offenses, but you can start the healing process by letting it go. Check out Bishop Jakes in a 3-minute message on forgiveness, mercy, and how to LET IT GO...



He-Motions: Men Dealing with Emotions...

For men, emotions are different. 80% of suicides are by men. Bishop Jakes uses this message to remind you to hold on and give your situation over to God. You can heal. You can recover. You can move on and you are a good man. Don't let circumstances or haters make you miss out on your destiny. Rebuke the demons of suicide, anger, rage, and depression, and know that you can change your future. You can come out better. You are a good man because you are God's man...


Living in Today as You Heal from Yesterday...



Are you in a loveless marriage? Did you wake up to find you are sleeping with the enemy? Unevenly yolked? Were you lonely and unfulfilled, or did you get married just so you can  fornicate whenever you want to? These are questions Bishop Jakes asks in this 10-minute marriage teaching about how to heal from mistakes in a marriage, and how to avoid them...

Looking for help with healing your marriage? Check out Jimmy Evans from Marriage Today about ways to bring healing through 7 key elements...





Narcissism: Recognizing Narcissists and Taking Your Life Back...


If you've dealt with a narcissist, chances are you may still be trying to heal from them. You may also be someone who doesn't know that the person wreaking havoc in their lives is a narcissist. With so much great information online about narcissists and help so you can recover and heal from them, these articles will give you:

  • Tips, pointers, and questions to ask to determine if you're dealing with a narcissist,
  • Understanding what narcissists do, that "Now I get it" breakthrough you need,
  • Help for getting away from narcissists and understanding "no or low contact",
  • Addressing how narcissists use "flying monkeys" to attack you and "gaslighting" to confuse you,
  • A closing prayer to help you. Don't worry. That devil is defeated and you can have your life back - successfully. Praise God! 
For the full article, please click here...


Peace Stealers...

If people keep stealing your peace, you can't rest. You have to remain at rest so God can fight your battles. Peace stealers will make you carry their load and get you to become their savior. Put up a "Do Not Disturb" sign to keep your peace. You have a destiny to protect. Listen to Pastor Osteen talk about how to stay at rest...



People Pleasing...

Don't look to people for approval. Go to God and you will never be dependent on people or swayed by their actions and reactions. Check out Pastor Joel Osteen's powerful message on not being a people pleaser...


Recognizing Evil Spirits... Why and How You Should Walk Away


I am for peace: but when I speak, they are for war. Psalm 120:7 

Who is whispering in you ear or trying to intimidate you? Bullies, narcissists, liars, naysayers, or mockers? They may try to get you to confide your secrets to them and then use them against you. Let's expose the truth: Your future is blessed and you don't need anyone in your ear but Jesus, but you have to be careful because there are demons assigned to try to bring you down. While people may come across as being super friendly and your next best friend, they might want information from you to use against you. They might have their own agenda and want to gain your trust so they can manipulate you, lie on you, use you, hurt you, and or crush your spirit. The good news is that the Bible teaches us how to recognize these evil spirits and how to successfully walk away from them. Jesus did it, and you can, too! 

Read the full article here.


Who's Stealing Your Peace? The Draining Bunch...

I am for peace: but when I speak, they are for war. Psalm 120:7

Your crazy ex, that psycho coworker, the narcissist who plays games with you and pretends its you with the problem, your Jekyll and Hyde loved one. It's like an episode of the Brady Bunch, but in this case it's the Draining Bunch. Who's stealing your peace? 

It happens every day and to a lot of Christians. They're walking around like zombies, sapped of their energy. In a world where we are supposed to witness and share God's good news, there's so much inner turmoil, stress, and pain that some days people don't want to get out of bed. Let's explore a few personality types that you may recognize and tips to help you heal from them. You can get through this. You just have to come out from among them... Read our full article here.